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About Bickleigh Down Church of England Primary School
The school is welcoming to all pupils and families. Pupils are proud of their school.
Their conduct and attitudes demonstrate the school's values of love and aspiration. Pupils are extremely polite and articulate.
The school is unrelentingly ambitious for all pupils.
School leaders and staff have high expectations for all pupils. They ensure that pupils are ready for the next stage of their education.
Pupils have a strong understanding of fundamental British values.
They know the importance of democracy. Pupils believe strongly in tolerance and equality. They have an insightful understanding of different cultures and religions from around th...e world.
As a result, pupils are respectful of people from different backgrounds.
Leaders have created numerous roles for pupils to develop their leadership skills. Pupils in the school council work alongside school leaders.
They make an important contribution to improving the school environment.
Pupils have a range of opportunities to develop their own talents and interests. School leaders ensure that all pupils participate in a wide range of enrichment activities and feel successful.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school, with the support of staff and governors, has set out a strong and clear vision. Leaders involve pupils, parents and staff to ensure that there is a collaborative approach to improving pupils' experiences. As a result, pupils are happy and achieve well.
The school has created an ambitious and well-structured curriculum. Reading is prioritised from the early years onwards. Teachers read a wide range of books to children.
Adults skilfully use expression to bring stories to life. This means children learn to love stories from an early age. The school teaches phonics systematically.
Staff receive regular training to develop phonics expertise. Consequently, staff implement the phonics curriculum effectively, and as a result, pupils become confident readers.
The school has developed a rich curriculum, which broadens pupils' knowledge beyond their immediate community.
Pupils develop knowledge and skills that build well over time. Teachers are quick to identify those pupils who struggle with their learning. For example, in mathematics, teachers swiftly provide extra support to pupils to help them catch up.
Pupils produce high-quality work in a range of subjects. However, in some subjects, assessment is not effective. It does not identify what pupils know and can do.
As a result, in some subjects, pupils develop gaps in their knowledge that are not addressed.
Children in the Reception classes get off to an exceptional start in school. The environment is calm and children are highly motivated to learn.
Staff know children well. They help children to communicate effectively and to learn rich vocabulary. Activities are carefully planned to stimulate children's interest and imagination.
For example, children shine torches while listening to music to create a dance to represent a starry sky. The early years curriculum ensures that children are well prepared for the next stage of their education.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve well.
They receive targeted support from staff to meet their needs. Pupils with SEND work alongside their peers and learn the full curriculum.
Pupils behave well.
They are conscientious and take pride in the work they do. Pupils understand the school's expectations and there is no lost learning time. Pupils are kind to one another.
They listen respectfully to each other's contributions in class.
Pupils throughout the school have significant opportunities for personal development. The spirit detectives, school council and well-being ambassadors carry out their roles with pride.
They also understand that they are role models for younger pupils.
The school views pupils' attendance very seriously. There are robust processes and systems in place to ensure that pupils attend school.
As a result, levels of attendance are very high.
Governors have a detailed understanding of the school's strengths and areas for development. They hold school leaders to account by asking challenging questions.
At the same time, governors are supportive of school leaders. Governors work with them to ensure the workload and well-being of staff is managed well. Staff are overwhelmingly positive.
Early career teachers receive strong support.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects, assessment is not effective.
Assessment is not used well to identify where pupils have gaps in their knowledge. This means the curriculum does not always ensure that pupils build their knowledge effectively. The school must ensure that assessment is used effectively in all subjects.