Bignold Primary School and Nursery

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About Bignold Primary School and Nursery

Name Bignold Primary School and Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Katie Lawson
Address Wessex Street, Norwich, NR2 2SY
Phone Number 01603625721
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 462
Local Authority Norfolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Strong and healthy relationships sit at the heart of Bignold Primary School and Nursery.

Pupils get on well with each other because adults show them how to share, play together and be kind. Pupils grow into polite, well-mannered and respectful young people by the time they leave. The school is a lovely place in which to learn.

Pupils experience very little disruption in lessons. Adults have high expectations of how pupils should behave. Pupils delight in receiving tokens to reward their good behaviour, taking pride when their team are recognised as the weekly winners.

Pupils enjoy taking part in the wide range of extra opportunities on offer, sewing, gardenin...g and korfball clubs, to name a few. They relish the chance to be a playground 'buddy', science ambassador or school councillor. Pupils play an active part in school life.

They know adults will listen to their views and opinions. They also know adults will help if they have a problem, for example with bullying, although this rarely happens.

Pupils know how to look after themselves.

They are taught how to keep safe. Younger pupils know how to stay healthy by being active and eating a balanced diet. Older pupils are aware of how they can look after their mental health, along with knowing the risks of drugs and alcohol.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders set out to make sure every pupil learns to read well, which they do. Children in pre-school and Nursery experience a wealth of language development opportunities to help them learn to read. They listen to stories, songs and poems before they start learning phonics in Reception.

Adults are skilled at teaching reading. Pupils have many chances to regularly practise their reading, along with hearing adults read stories to them. A love of reading flows through the school.

Leaders have high aspirations for pupils and have carefully designed the curriculum so pupils can learn and achieve well. Leaders have thought about the important knowledge they want pupils to know and remember in many subjects. Teachers have strong subject knowledge.

They give pupils tasks to check that they remember what they are taught over longer periods of time. Pupils who need extra help, or who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), receive the help and support they need. Teachers make changes to the activities pupils with SEND carry out, so they receive full access to the curriculum.

In a small number of subjects, leaders have very recently designed a new curriculum. Some older pupils have not developed deep knowledge in these subjects. This is because the curriculum they learned in the past was not well designed and pupils have some ground to make up.

Leaders have identified where extra work is needed to make sure older pupils learn the knowledge required, so all pupils can succeed.The interim leaders put pupils and their families first. They know the challenges that some families face.

Leaders provide effective help and support. Adults teach pupils about ways to not only look after their physical health but also their mental health. 'Ask it baskets' in each class give pupils the chance to ask for help from adults discreetly if they need it.

Many pupils have a well-developed moral compass. They clearly know right from wrong. They know it is right to speak up if they see something that is wrong, and not stand by silently.

Pupils listen carefully to others and show respect if other people have different views or beliefs from themselves. Pupils know about a range of different cultures and religions and confidently discuss these with one another.

Children in the pre-school and Nursery are well cared for.

The curriculum is well taught by skilled adults. Children quickly develop the social skills they need to be successful. They learn, and use, many new words because adults regularly talk with children when they are learning and playing.

Children learn to behave well in Nursery and Reception. This continues as pupils grow older and means pupils throughout the school behave very well.

Trust leaders know what the school does well and what needs to be better.

They provide strong leadership and have supported senior leaders to bring about improvement in the quality of education for pupils.

Members of the local governing body (LGB) do not fully understand their roles and responsibilities. They are unclear about which functions should be carried out by trustees and which have been delegated to the LGB.

This means they focus too much of their time on aspects for which they are not responsible.

Staff are proud to work in the school. They value the support and training they receive from senior leaders to help them do their job well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Adults are vigilant and alert to the signs that a pupil may need help. Their regular training means adults have a clear understanding of some of the risks pupils face in the local area.

When pupils need help, leaders are quick to put this in place. There is a positive culture of safeguarding.

The checks that leaders make on adults before they start work in the school are thorough.

Trust leaders make regular checks to be sure that leaders are doing all they should to keep pupils safe. Leaders ensure pupils learn how to stay safe, especially when using the internet.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Leaders have a clear intent for what pupils should learn and achieve.

There are a few subjects where leaders have recently introduced new curriculum plans. These are suitable and clearly show how pupils will learn and achieve well as leaders intend. Leaders are in the very early stages of implementing the curriculum in a small number of subjects.

For this reason, the transitional arrangements have been applied. Leaders should ensure teachers fully implement the curriculum. Teachers should make adaptions where needed so all pupils can achieve well across all subjects.

• Members of the LGB do not have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. Trust leaders should provide further training for LGB members. This is so members of the LGB fully understand, and carry out, their roles to continue to improve and sustain the quality of education pupils receive.

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