Birkwood Primary School

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About Birkwood Primary School

Name Birkwood Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Daniel Wood
Address Darfield Road, Cudworth, Barnsley, S72 8HG
Phone Number 01226710447
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 393
Local Authority Barnsley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school wants to give pupils the very best opportunities. Pupils strive to live according to the school's values of effort, kindness and respect.

Pupils can be themselves and let their personalities shine through. They behave well. Pupils feel safe and listened to by adults.

Parents and carers appreciate the support the school gives them. They say that their children are happy to come to school. This includes the high-quality support that the school offers vulnerable pupils, giving them the best chances to succeed.

The school is ambitious for pupils' learning, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils achieve well ac...ross the curriculum.

The school teaches pupils how to be active citizens of the world.

A breadth of opportunities enable pupils to develop an understanding of difference, equality and respect. Pupils are polite and courteous. They are taught how to manage risks in their community as well as online.

This helps pupils to make sensible decisions which they speak about confidently.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school prioritises reading for all pupils. In the early years, children quickly start to learn sounds.

In Year 1, pupils build on this strong start and learn to read accurately. Older pupils are supported effectively to build reading stamina, for example through lessons that focus on fluency. There is additional, effective support for pupils who need to catch up.

The school has also developed a strong culture of reading. Pupils say they enjoy reading the books that are on offer within the inviting book corners and in lessons.

The curriculum is broad and ambitious.

The school has identified the knowledge it wants pupils to know. It has effectively designed the curriculum to help pupils build on previous learning. In lessons, teachers present learning to pupils through engaging tasks.

Teachers check that pupils understand what they have learned, for example by asking them questions. Most pupils achieve well and enjoy learning.

The school supports pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities well.

The school's systems ensure pupils' needs are identified quickly. Pupils have the appropriate support. Staff have been given additional training to support pupils with more complex needs.

As a result, pupils with SEND are learning effectively and teachers are adapting the curriculum well.

The early years is warm, friendly and inviting. Pupils enjoying playing and learning in the newly refurbished outdoor area.

Children, including those with SEND, learn new vocabulary and begin to develop their speaking skills. In most areas of learning, children can progress through the curriculum well. However, in some areas of the curriculum in early years the school has not clearly identified the important information that children should know.

This makes it difficult for teachers to emphasise this information when designing learning activities. This hinders children in building knowledge securely in these areas.

Adults apply the school's behaviour policy consistently well.

They speak to pupils with warmth and respect. Bullying is rare at this school. Pupils appreciate the fair and supportive actions of adults who help them to deal with any issues at school.

Pupils attend school regularly. Leaders are taking effective steps to reduce the number of pupils who miss school more regularly than they should.

The personal development offer in this school is strong.

Pupils know what it means to treat each other equally, and encourage others to join in. Pupils have a secure understanding of healthy relationships and know how to look after their own health and well-being. Pupils learn the importance of respecting people from other faiths and cultures.

This helps pupils to be ready for their next steps beyond school.

The extended curriculum gives pupils opportunities to benefit from different activities such as sports and cooking. Trips and visits enhance the curriculum.

There are opportunities for pupils to take part in leadership roles across the school. For example, well-being ambassadors use their roles to help other pupils.

Governors care about the community.

They show dedication to their roles, and appropriately support and challenge leaders when needed. Staff appreciate the changes to the school over the last few years. This includes actions that leaders have taken to reduce workload.

Teachers receive a rich range of opportunities to support their development. This is impacting on the quality of the curriculum for pupils, for example promoting speaking and listening activities in lessons.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The curriculum in early years does not carefully identify the knowledge the school wants pupils to learn across some areas of learning. This means that, at times, activity choices are not well matched to the intended learning. The school should ensure that the curriculum identifies the essential knowledge that children should learn.

Also at this postcode
Groots Childcare Hub 1 (Birkwood Primary School)

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