Bisham Church of England Academy

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About Bisham Church of England Academy

Name Bisham Church of England Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mrs Emma Brookman
Address Church Lane, Bisham, Marlow, SL7 1RW
Phone Number 01628482910
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 91
Local Authority Windsor and Maidenhead
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders want all pupils to 'learn, love, achieve and succeed'.

They have high expectations and aspire for every pupil to be the best that they can be. Leaders have planned a curriculum that includes memorable learning experiences. These ignite pupils' interest and motivate them to learn.

The school's Christian values shine through in the way that staff nurture and value every pupil. Pupils feel safe and enjoy coming to this school. They are enthusiastic learners and most behave sensibly in class.

Although unkind behaviour happens very occasionally, pupils confirm that staff quickly deal with this.

Pupils like the way that 'everyone knows everyone' in... this small, happy community. They value diversity and show respect for one another.

As one pupil explained, 'The world is a better place when we are all different.' Older pupils enjoy being collective worship monitors. They are keen to play their part in taking on extra responsibilities and helping out in the school.

Parents are full of praise for the care and support their children receive. As one parent commented, 'My child has flourished since joining this school.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders, trustees, governors and the local authority have worked effectively in close partnership to secure the sustainability and future of this village school.

Good leadership has improved all aspects of the school.

Leaders have planned a broad and interesting curriculum. Although this is generally aligned to the national curriculum, the school does not currently offer a modern foreign language.

Some subjects, including English, mathematics and science, are planned carefully. These set out clearly what pupils should learn and remember as they progress through the curriculum. This helps pupils to achieve well.

However, this isn't the case in some subjects in the wider curriculum. In addition, pupils learn many subjects for very short blocks of time. This means that some pupils find it hard to remember what teachers have taught them previously.

Leaders have implemented a consistent approach to reading that begins from children's very first days in school. Children get off to a good start when learning to read. Daily phonics lessons and good teaching enable almost all pupils to become confident, proficient readers.

Teachers check how pupils are getting on. They are quick to notice and support any pupils who are not keeping up.

Across the school, daily story times promote a love of reading.

Through other areas of the curriculum, pupils also read and listen to many texts. This not only supports their reading; it strengthens their knowledge in different subjects. In the early years, staff take every opportunity to engage children in discussions.

This helps children to build their vocabulary and develop their communication skills.Teachers plan wide-ranging, interesting topics for pupils to learn. Older pupils enthused about previous topics, like 'Pompeii' and 'volcanoes'.

Teachers use their good subject knowledge to plan interesting tasks. However, sometimes they do not take enough account of what pupils already know. Learning tasks are not always aligned as precisely as they could be to what teachers want pupils to learn.

Leaders have a well-thought-out approach to identifying any pupils who may have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They are alert to any pupils who are not making the progress they expect and who need extra help. The small numbers of pupils with SEND in each class are supported well.

The school is a settled community, and most pupils behave well. Provision for pupils' social and moral development is rooted in the school's Christian values. Pupils are encouraged to show compassion, be respectful and tolerant.

They learn how these values are woven and represented in stories from many different faiths.

The school's new relationships and health curriculum helps pupils to learn about how to keep healthy and safe. Pupils know how to stay safe online and understand the concept of a 'digital footprint'.

They know the importance of behaving responsibly and respectfully when online. Before the pandemic, the school provided some out-of-school clubs. These are currently paused because of local COVID-19 arrangements.

Leaders plan to resume these as soon as it is safe to do so.

Trustees and governors share leaders' ambition and determination. They understand and fulfil their roles effectively.

Subject leaders work across the trust so that they can share their expertise and support each other. Staff value the trust-wide training they have received in subjects such as mathematics.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders know pupils and their families very well. They are highly attuned to any signs of concern and act promptly to provide support and early help. When needed, leaders are swift to refer concerns to other agencies.

They readily pursue these if they are not satisfied with the timeliness or level of support.

Regular training enables staff to confidently and ably fulfil their safeguarding responsibilities. Pupils feel confident that they are safe in the care of the staff.

Trustees' and governors' regular reviews keep safeguarding, including recruitment processes, under the spotlight.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The curriculum does not include a modern foreign language. This means that pupils are not well prepared for learning this subject in secondary school.

Leaders plan to address this omission and, therefore, the transitional statement has been applied. ? In most foundation subjects, leaders have not identified precisely the knowledge they want pupils to learn. This means pupils are not achieving as well as they could.

Leaders need to make explicit what knowledge they want pupils to learn. Leaders are in the process of reviewing their curriculum. For this reason, the transitional statement has been applied.

• Pupils learn some subjects for short blocks of time. This makes it difficult for some pupils to remember what their teachers have taught them and to build on previous learning. Leaders need to review their current arrangements for the organisation of the curriculum to address this issue.

• Sometimes activities do not take enough account of pupils' previous learning or the intended learning. This means some pupils do not achieve as well as they could. Staff need to use assessment information to plan tasks that take account of what pupils already know, and that are focused more precisely on the intended learning.

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