Blaise Primary and Nursery School

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About Blaise Primary and Nursery School

Name Blaise Primary and Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Mr Massimo Bonaddio
Address Clavell Road, Henbury, Bristol, BS10 7EJ
Phone Number 01173772424
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 435
Local Authority Bristol, City of
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This school is at the heart of the community it serves. Pupils describe it as a welcoming place where everyone works hard to make friends.

They understand how the school values help them to be kind, resilient and solve problems. The school has high expectations for what pupils can achieve. Pupils enjoy their learning and attain well in most subjects.

Most pupils behave well and show good manners. They follow the school rules in and outside the classroom. This starts in Nursery where children take turns and share equipment when playing with friends.

Pupils talk with maturity about the importance of showing respect so that 'no one feels ashamed for who they are...'.

Pupils build warm and respectful relationships with staff. They trust adults to listen and help them with any worries or concerns.

Staff provide effective support for pupils who find it difficult to manage their emotions.

Pupils enjoy a wide range of clubs and visits such as football, mindfulness and trips to museums. They are keen to take on leadership roles, which include sports captain, house captain and school council.

Pupils understand how these roles make them feel important and help them to become role models to others.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has a clear vision for what pupils can achieve. An ambitious curriculum is designed and sequenced well.

In art and design, for example, the curriculum makes clear the important knowledge and skills that pupils need to learn and when. In Reception Year, children use different media to create pictures. Older pupils use words such as 'cross hatching' to describe their techniques when sketching.

Reading has a high priority within the school's curriculum. Pupils enjoy reading and talk positively about the books that adults read to them in class. Children in the early years, including those who have English as an additional language, learn and remember new sounds well.

If pupils fall behind, they receive the support they need to catch up quickly. As pupils move through the school, they read with increasing accuracy and fluency.

In most subjects, teachers have the knowledge they need to teach the curriculum effectively.

In mathematics, for example, teachers introduce concepts clearly and adapt learning well. Children in the early years confidently develop their understanding of number. Older pupils use their prior mathematical knowledge when solving problems involving long multiplication.

Despite this, in some areas of the curriculum, learning activities are not adapted well enough to meet pupils' needs. Where this is case, some pupils have gaps in their knowledge or do not build a depth of understanding over time. This hampers the progress that some pupils make across the curriculum.

Published outcomes in national curriculum tests in 2024 at the higher standard reflect this.The school is ambitious for an increasing number of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). There are robust systems in place to swiftly identify needs.

The school uses the advice it receives from external agencies well. Most pupils with SEND access the same curriculum as their peers because of this. For example, older pupils with SEND talk confidently about the different stitching techniques they use when making a bag.

Most pupils display positive attitudes towards their learning. This starts in Nursery where children respond to the routines that are in place and are eager to share their ideas with adults. Pupils behave well during social times.

They enjoy the activities on offer to them and play well together.

The school monitors attendance rigorously. It works closely with families to provide the right support to bring about improvement.

Despite this, the numbers of pupils who are persistently absent from school is too high. These pupils miss learning. Though the school is working hard to improve attendance, there is more work to do to ensure that pupils attend school regularly.

The school provides pupils with wide-ranging opportunities to develop personally. Pupils understand why fundamental British values, such as democracy, are important in the society they live in. They learn to be understanding of people who have different families, backgrounds and beliefs.

The school develops pupils' character by taking part in community tree planting events or visiting local shops.

Governors use their expertise to hold the school to account for its actions. They know what the school does well and where it needs to improve.

Staff value the school's focus on their workload and wellbeing. They appreciate the time they have to carry out their roles and the opportunities to collaborate with other schools which develops their expertise.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some areas of the curriculum, learning is not adapted well enough to meet some pupils' needs. Where this is the case, pupils do not develop their depth of knowledge well enough across the curriculum. The school needs to continue to ensure that learning is suitably adapted so that all groups of pupils progress through the curriculum well.

• The attendance of some pupils is still too low. These pupils do not learn the curriculum as well as they should. The school needs to continue the work it is doing to improve the attendance of pupils who are persistently absent.

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