Bonner Primary School

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About Bonner Primary School

Name Bonner Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Nicola Denton-Dash
Address Stainsbury Street, Bethnal Green, London, E2 0NF
Phone Number 02089801004
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 770
Local Authority Tower Hamlets
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils support the school's values of kindness and respect for others. They know that these values make the school a friendly place for everyone. Pupils are proud when they receive rewards for putting these values into action.

Leaders have high expectations for pupils' achievement. They want all pupils to be well prepared for their future lives. Topics are interesting and teaching builds on what pupils already know.

This helps all pupils to achieve well and enjoy their learning.

Pupils behave sensibly. They are polite to adults and each other.

They are respectful of those who may have beliefs that are different to their own. Teachers encourage pupils... to try hard, have a go and persevere. Pupils fully embrace the school's motto, 'through effort to success'.

Pupils are happy to come to school. They feel safe and are well cared for. Bullying is rare.

Pupils know that an adult will deal with bullying quickly if it happens.

Pupils were keen to tell us their favourite things about the school. These include sports clubs, swimming and mathematics lessons.

Pupils are very proud of their school and what they achieve. Parents and carers echo this in their many complimentary comments about the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have the same high expectations for pupils' behaviour and achievement on both sites.

Leaders and staff work together effectively to make sure that all pupils learn well.

Leaders, governors and staff have clear aims for what pupils should learn. They plan each subject carefully and ensure that pupils study the right content in the right order.

This is also the case in the early years. In most subjects, teachers select activities which help pupils to understand and remember important knowledge. For example, in design and technology, teachers sequence lessons so that pupils build successfully on what they already know.

Plans for history and geography contain clearly defined aims. However, teachers do not use these plans as well as they should. Sometimes, pupils lack opportunities to develop and deepen their knowledge in these subjects.

Children in the Nursery and Reception classes make a strong start to their learning. Adults use praise to reinforce good behaviour. They select activities which encourage children to cooperate, make choices and share resources.

Children quickly develop positive attitudes to school. Staff ask children questions and help them to understand what they are learning.

Reading is a high priority from the start of the early years.

Adults read to pupils daily to develop their love of books. Phonics is planned and taught well. Pupils quickly learn their letter sounds.

Staff make sure that pupils read books that match their abilities. This helps pupils to read well. Teachers encourage pupils to explain the complex ideas that they encounter in their reading.

This also helps to develop pupils' reading ability.

Leaders have strengthened the way writing is taught and planned. Teachers select tasks that help pupils to write for a purpose.

This means that pupils develop and apply their knowledge of different styles of writing. In mathematics, teachers use subject plans effectively. They ensure that pupils understand important concepts and calculation methods.

Nevertheless, pupils do not have enough opportunities to deepen their knowledge, for instance by solving problems or by reasoning mathematically.

Leaders and staff have high expectations for pupils' behaviour. There is a calm, atmosphere throughout the school.

Pupils cooperate well in lessons. They show interest and enjoyment in their work. Pupils' learning is rarely interrupted by poor behaviour.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive effective extra help from staff. Parents told us that they are very happy with the support that their children receive. Staff expect pupils with SEND to develop the same knowledge as their peers.

Sometimes, however, teachers do not adapt activities to make sure that pupils with SEND achieve as highly as they should.

Pupils have plenty of opportunities to develop their social skills. They learn about how they can help others and resolve conflicts.

They understand it is important to respect the views and rights of others. Pupils explained confidently how the school's values help them with this. Through the school council, pupils share their views on the school and agree ways to make it better.

Leaders take pupils' views seriously and act on their suggestions.

Pupils enjoy the many extra-curricular activities on offer. These include clubs for sports and gardening and the 'Bonner Band', to name a few.

Leaders ensure that disadvantaged pupils have full access to these activities. All staff take a keen interest in developing pupils' physical and mental well-being. They teach pupils what they can do to lead healthy lives.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff make sure that pupils are kept safe and are well cared for. Staff teach pupils how to keep themselves safe, in school and out.

Pupils show a good understanding of safeguarding and digital safety.

Leaders train staff so that they know what to do if they have any concerns about pupils' well-being or safety. Members of the safeguarding team work extremely well together to protect pupils from harm.

Leaders leave no aspect of safeguarding to chance, carefully following up on all referrals they make to the local authority.

Pupils say they feel safe because teachers look after them, and parents agree.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Subject plans set out clearly what pupils should learn and when.

In most subjects, teachers use plans effectively to ensure that pupils build on their prior learning. However, in history and geography teaching does not provide enough opportunities for pupils to apply what they have been taught. This prevents them from acquiring a secure understanding of important concepts.

Leaders should ensure that all teachers use the subject plans effectively. . Mathematics is well taught.

However, leaders should strengthen plans so that pupils have sufficient opportunities to solve problems and reason mathematically. This will ensure that pupils achieve to the best of their abilities in this subject. .

Teachers and teaching assistants understand the needs of pupils with SEND. They provide them with support to help them overcome their individual barriers to learning. However, teachers should adapt activities carefully and ensure that these pupils can fully access the content that they expect them to learn.

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