Bonneygrove Primary School

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About Bonneygrove Primary School

Name Bonneygrove Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Craig Hamilton
Address Dark Lane, Cheshunt, Waltham Cross, EN7 5ED
Phone Number 01992307900
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 420
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Bonneygrove are proud of their school and enjoy learning. They play well together and there are many opportunities provided for them to learn outdoors. Pupils develop their social skills and their understanding of nature.

Members of the pupil parliament talk confidently about how they have chosen ways to further improve the school environment.

Pupils benefit from many carefully planned experiences which enhance the curriculum. For example, pupils enjoy the many visitors to the school, staying overnight in the school acting as an evacuee in World War Two, or meeting a 'dinosaur'.

Pupils behave well. The learning environment is calm and focused. Pupil...s manage their own belongings well to make sure they have the appropriate resources they need for their learning.

Children learn the behaviour routines well from the start of Reception. Older pupils know what is expected of them. They listen and respond well to adults.

Where there is bullying, which is rare, pupils are confident that adults will listen and sort out any problems quickly. Pupils who require additional support for social and emotional needs are provided for effectively.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are ambitious for pupils.

They want pupils to achieve better than in the past. They have successfully rewritten the curriculum. It engages pupils and enables teachers to better adapt learning to meet the needs of individual pupils.

Staff share leaders' ambitions and are keen to improve their own practice.

The carefully designed curriculum means teachers are clear on what to teach and when. As a result, pupils build on their learning over time.

There are some occasions when teachers are not clear in their explanations as to what they want pupils to learn. When this is the case, pupils do not learn as well as they could.

Reading is taught well.

Staff are consistent with their approaches to teaching reading to the youngest pupils. This helps pupils learn to read quickly and accurately. Pupils have access to a wide range of interesting and varied books which help to keep them motivated to read.

Pupils also have many opportunities to read and study non-fiction books linked to their topics. Adults from across the school regularly come to read with the youngest children to help everyone develop a love of reading.

The provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is of high quality.

Teachers adapt their plans effectively so that pupils with SEND access the same curriculum as their peers. Support staff are suitably trained to help pupils with SEND learn and achieve well.

Leaders have carefully considered how to help pupils who need to catch up after falling behind with their learning.

Staff are used to focus on the area of learning that pupils need. Leaders use additional teachers to provide smaller classes on a short-term basis for targeted groups of pupils. This is reaping rewards for these pupils.

Pupils learn about British values through their lessons and in assemblies. They demonstrate what being respectful and tolerant means in practice. They are motivated by the awards they receive for demonstrating the school values.

There are a range of sports and other clubs available. Leaders offer funded places to disadvantaged pupils to ensure these pupils have equal access to clubs and activities.

Pupils and parents talk positively about shared events, such as the recent picnic held to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee.

Year 5 pupils are strong role models to younger pupils at lunchtimes, acting as play leaders, running games and sorting out minor disagreements. This helps to develop their leadership skills. Children in the early years are polite and work well together.

Governors work closely with the local authority to support and challenge school leadership. Governors know the school well. Staff are well supported.

Middle leaders coach colleagues to improve the quality of teaching. Teachers appreciate the help and guidance they receive.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that staff know what they need to do to keep pupils safe. They provide regular training, so staff are up to date. Leaders deal quickly with any concerns raised.

They know pupils well and prioritise safeguarding and pupils' welfare.

There are effective systems in place to support parents and ensure that families who do need help receive this swiftly.

Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe physically and when using online technologies.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• There are some occasions when teachers are not clear in their explanations as to what they want pupils to learn. When this is the case, pupils do not learn as well as they could. Leaders need to ensure that teachers present information clearly, so pupils understand precisely what they are learning and can achieve.

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