Boroughbridge Primary School

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About Boroughbridge Primary School

Name Boroughbridge Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Emma Ryan
Address York Road, Boroughbridge, York, YO51 9EB
Phone Number 01423322208
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 215
Local Authority North Yorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The headteacher leads by example and has created an effective team of senior leaders. She works tirelessly to ensure that every pupil makes the progress they are capable of.

The provision in the early years is particularly strong. Children are happy, involved in their learning and make good progress. A high proportion of children leave the early years with a good level of development.

Leaders work alongside teachers to help them develop their practice and support them in implementing new ideas. As a result, the quality of teaching, learning and assessment is good. Leaders and teachers know pupils well.

They meticulously unpick ba...rriers to learning, identifying how to provide the best support for all pupils. Relationships between staff and pupils are strong. Pupils feel safe and well cared for because teachers are sensitive and responsive to their needs.

Attendance is above the national average. However, the attendance of disadvantaged pupils, although improving, remains stubbornly below that of other pupils. Pupils make rapid progress in improving their writing skills.

Writing activities are purposeful and engaging; as a result, standards are high. Support for teachers who are new to the school or are returning to teaching is strong. Leaders provide appropriate support and training to enable teachers to get up to speed with new approaches to teaching.

Pupils' attitudes to learning are positive. Interesting work captures their imagination and engages them in their learning. Consequently, pupils concentrate and apply themselves well.

Disadvantaged pupils make at least expected progress from their starting points. However, the proportion of disadvantaged pupils achieving a greater depth of learning does not match that of other pupils. Leaders new to middle leadership are not ensuring consistency across their subjects.

Governors cannot monitor the progress of groups effectively because leaders focus their monitoring on individuals and do not collate the progress of groups. School improvement planning tackles the appropriate areas for development, but lacks information about what success looks like and how it will be measured.

Information about this school

The school does not meet requirements on the publication of information about special educational needs or examination and assessment results on its website.

The school is smaller than most primary schools nationally. There is a higher proportion of boys than in most schools. Since the time of the last inspection, there have been significant staffing changes.

All the senior leaders are new, including the headteacher, along with the majority of the teaching staff. Most pupils are of White British heritage, with a small number of pupils for whom English is an additional language. The proportion of pupils eligible for support through pupil premium funding is below average.

The proportion of pupils who have identified special educational needs and/or a statement of special educational needs or education, health and care plan is lower than that found in most schools. However, this number is rising as more parents choose the school because of the school's success with pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities. The school meets the government floor standards.

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