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Pupils flourish at this exceptional school. They are highly motivated and eager to make the most of school life.
The school expects all pupils to adhere to values, such as hard work and respect. Pupils consistently live up to these expectations. They receive an excellent quality of education and, as a result, achieve highly.
Pupils conduct themselves in an exemplary manner. They are polite and considerate of others. They behave with integrity and cooperate consistently well.
There are extensive opportunities for pupils to take on meaningful leadership roles, such as School and House Captains and prefects. Pupils hold these positions with pride and willingly f...ulfil the responsibilities they entail. Consequently, they have a highly positive impact on the life of the school.
Pupils benefit from a rich offer for their wider development. There is a high uptake of the school's extra-curricular programme. Many pupils participate in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award, 'Combined Cadet Force' and sporting activities.
Pupils develop their musical talents through orchestra, barbershop and rock bands, for instance. These, and many other opportunities, make a consistently strong contribution to pupils' personal development.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Pupils learn an ambitious curriculum.
A high number of pupils follow subjects which make up the English Baccalaureate at key stage 4. Sixth-form study programmes are ambitious and tailored to students' needs. Pupils gain a remarkable depth of understanding in the subjects they study.
They make astute connections between subjects. For instance, pupils write confident responses in English to artwork they have studied. As a result, they are very well prepared for their next steps in education and in life.
The school has designed each subject curriculum so that pupils build their knowledge and skills cumulatively. In modern foreign languages, for example, pupils quickly learn the grammatical structures they need to speak and write accurately. Teachers, in all subjects, have excellent subject knowledge.
Across the curriculum, they ensure that pupils understand and use appropriate subject vocabulary. Sixth-form students read challenging academic texts which enhance their wider subject knowledge.
Staff routinely check pupils' understanding.
They swiftly correct pupils' misconceptions where necessary. Assessment is used effectively to understand pupils' starting points, such as those of students joining the sixth form. Teaching helps pupils retrieve and apply their knowledge successfully.
The school keeps the curriculum under close review. Where pupils have gaps in their knowledge, suitable changes are made to ensure these do not persist.The school successfully identifies, assesses and meets the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Consequently, pupils achieve highly and develop their independence.
The school consistently upholds its high expectations of pupils' behaviour, both in and outside of the classroom. Therefore, pupils' learning proceeds undisturbed.
On the rare occasions that a pupil's behaviour falls short of the school's expectations, intelligent and effective action is taken. Pupils readily follow well-established routines around the school site. As a result, the school is calm, orderly and purposeful.
Pupils make a highly positive contribution to the school and wider community. Sixth- form students mentor younger pupils and volunteer in local hospitals. Pupils raise money for charities, such as to those which help children with serious medical conditions.
Sixth-form students run their own clubs and societies, such as a chess club, 'biosoc' and a politics and debating group.
Pupils debate and discuss issues respectfully. They reflect sensitively on the impact of discrimination on others.
Pupils participate in democratic processes, such as voting for members of the youth parliament. They value and celebrate commonalities and differences in each other. As a result, pupils are very well prepared to be active and responsible members of society.
Pupils receive timely and useful careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG). The school ensures that pupils have meaningful encounters with employers through work experience. Pupils receive unbiased information about next steps in their education, employment, or training.
Consequently, they are well supported to make their own informed choices.
Pupils know how to keep themselves safe. Pupils benefit from an effective personal, social and health education curriculum.
This helps pupils to gain an age-appropriate understanding of healthy relationships. Pupils learn how to collaborate actively to support each other's wellbeing. The sixth-form programme develops students' independence in preparation for adult life.
Leaders and governors share a clear and ambitious vision for all pupils. Governors fulfil their role effectively. They hold leaders strongly to account and ensure that resources are well managed.
Leaders have high expectations of staff and embody these in their own interactions with pupils. They use professional development effectively to enhance the quality of teaching and ensure that staff workload is well managed.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.