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Castle Gate Close, Castle Lane West, Bournemouth, BH8 9UJ
Phone Number
Academy converter
Age Range
Religious Character
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this school?
Bournemouth School for Girls is a joyous place. Pupils flourish academically and socially. They are passionate about their learning and embrace the multitude of wider development opportunities that the school provides.
All pupils feel welcome and valued. 'Big sisters' help new Year 7 pupils to settle in. Students joining the sixth form get extra support to make sure they get off to the best possible start.
Pupils know that the school expects 'the best for, and from, them'. They strive to live this vision. Consequently, pupils are kind, tolerant and respectful of one another.
They actively support the well-being of their peers. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary.<...br/> Leadership opportunities abound.
Roles such as head girl, prefects and subject ambassadors develop individual leadership skills while also making a positive contribution to society. Pupils feel empowered, even if they do not have formal leadership roles. Events that bring the school and local community together, such as sporting and robotics activities for local primary schools, are led by pupils.
Pupils develop a vast array of talents and interests. These include robotics, outdoor education, debating and a host of sporting and artistic clubs. Pupils are proud to represent the school in competitions and community events.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Pupils have an impressive knowledge of the highly ambitious curriculum that they learn. They complete high-quality work and achieve very well. Sixth-form students gain the qualifications they need to move on to their destinations of choice.
These include the most academically selective universities.
Teachers use their strong subject knowledge to explain new learning clearly so that pupils build on what they already know. They plan challenging activities that rapidly develop pupils' knowledge and understanding.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) get the support they need to achieve well.
The curriculum is broad at all key stages. Pupils develop a rich body of knowledge of the subjects they study.
They confidently apply what they know in new contexts and make connections between subjects. Sixth-form students study courses that are well matched to their future aspirations.
Pupils enjoy reading.
Recommendations from staff and their peers help pupils discover new authors and genres, enabling them to read widely. Students in the sixth form undertake wider reading that goes beyond the subjects that they have chosen to study.
Behaviour is impeccable.
Pupils are eager to learn as much as they can, both from staff and from their peers. They work hard and contribute well to discussions in lessons. Pupils of all ages know that they are role models for each other.
They hold themselves to the high standards that the school has of them. The way that the school develops pupils' character contributes strongly to the kindness and respect they show for one another.
Pupils enjoy school, and the vast majority attend very well.
Targeted support for the small number of pupils who attend less well is helping them to overcome barriers and attend more regularly.
There are extensive opportunities for pupils' personal development. The school ensures that pupils with SEND or those who are disadvantaged can take part in these.
Pupils know the value of making a positive contribution to society. There are many opportunities to contribute to the wider life of the school, particularly for students in the sixth form. Pupils learn about people of different backgrounds, cultures and faiths.
They know that everyone has a valuable contribution to make and is worthy of respect.
Pupils receive high-quality careers information, advice and guidance. Visits from, and to, businesses, professionals and universities ensure that pupils are very well informed about their potential next stages in education or employment.
Pupils learn the importance of healthy eating and physical activity to their overall well-being. Pupils receive valuable support to maintain a balanced lifestyle while managing the pressures of examinations. Leaders adjust the curriculum to ensure pupils gain highly relevant knowledge about issues they are likely to encounter.
High-quality professional development supports staff well-being and enables them to carry out their roles to a high standard. Staff are well supported and respected by leaders. Trustees and school leaders work together to ensure rigorous oversight of all aspects of the school's work.
The views of pupils, parents and staff are used to identify ways to improve the school even further. This ensures that everyone understands the vision of the school and feels valued as part of the community.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.