Boutcher Church of England Primary School

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About Boutcher Church of England Primary School

Name Boutcher Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Eilidh Verhoeven
Address 93 Grange Road, Bermondsey, London, SE1 3BW
Phone Number 02072372149
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 208
Local Authority Southwark
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Boutcher School is a vibrant school. Leaders and governors have created a nurturing community where pupils are happy and safe.

Parents and carers, staff, and pupils work together as 'one big family' and share the school's values of family, faith and fascination.

Staff are unwavering in their commitment to provide all pupils with an excellent education. Pupils thrive at this school.

Teachers have high expectations of all of them. All pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve exceptionally well across the curriculum.

Pupils benefit from learning in a school which values diversity and promotes inclusion.<>
Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum which teachers deliver thoughtfully. In lessons, pupils work extremely hard and produce high-quality work in all subjects.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary.

They are respectful, polite and caring. Bullying is rare at the school. If it occurs, staff are quick to address it sensitively.

Pupils enjoy taking on responsibilities, including as 'faith leaders' and on the school council. Leaders offer an extensive range of opportunities which aim to develop pupils' talents.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have developed an ambitious and inspiring curriculum.

Across all subjects, leaders have identified and sequenced the important knowledge and skills that pupils need to learn and remember. Staff share leaders' vision for pupils to become lifelong learners who are interested in the world around them.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge.

They consider the needs of all pupils and deliver subject content with confidence. The curriculum is sequenced carefully. This allows pupils to develop their knowledge and skills gradually.

For example, in mathematics, pupils in Year 5 built on their prior learning of measurement to work out the perimeter of composite shapes using scaled drawings.

Teachers are skilled in finding out what pupils know and can remember. For example, at the beginning of lessons they revisit key knowledge and ask pupils to recap what they have learned previously.

Teachers adapt learning carefully to meet the different needs of pupils. Leaders waste no time in identifying pupils with SEND. Staff work with external agencies to ensure that these pupils get targeted support.

Staff ensure that pupils with SEND have full access to the curriculum. Pupils deepen their learning successfully and produce high-quality work. They remember and speak confidently about the knowledge that they have learned.

All pupils achieve exceptionally well.Reading is an absolute priority and a strength in the school. Leaders have trained staff well to help pupils become fluent and accurate readers.

Teachers promote a love for reading. Children in the Reception Year were keen to talk about their most loved books. Phonics is introduced to children from the start of Reception.

Teachers check that pupils remember the phonics they are taught. Pupils read with books which are well matched to the sounds they know. If pupils fall behind with their reading, staff support them to catch up swiftly.

Leaders work in partnership with parents to ensure that they can support their children's reading at home.

Pupils' behaviour is admirable throughout the school. Pupils are keen to learn and value their education.

Low-level disruption is uncommon. Pupils respond well to the high expectations of staff and follow the established routines.

Leaders are committed to broadening pupils' experiences and understanding of the wider world.

Pupils attend extra-curricular clubs such as choir, chess, football, cooking and art. Teachers help pupils to understand different cultures and faiths through, for example, a variety of educational visits. Pupils have opportunities designed to develop and nurture their talents.

For example, pupils can be part of the music band or the school choir, and can perform in school productions.

Leaders promote pupils' understanding of citizenship. For example, pupils take part in debates and discussions about local, national and global issues.

In response to an international conference about climate change, pupils have considered how the school can play its part in becoming environmentally friendly.

Staff are proud to work at Boutcher and feel supported with their workload. Staff said that leaders and governors promote their well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and governors have established a strong culture of safeguarding. They ensure that all staff are well trained to identify, report and record any concerns.

Pupils feel safe and know who to turn to if they have any worries or need help.

Leaders liaise with external agencies to ensure that pupils receive the support they need. They are aware of local risks to pupils' safety.

Pupils benefit from the support of highly trained staff, including through the in-school counselling team. Leaders make effective use of one-to-one mentoring as a part of their work to promote pupils' mental health. Leaders ensure that the pre-employment checks on staff suitability are carried out.

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