Bowdon CofE Primary School

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About Bowdon CofE Primary School

Name Bowdon CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Samantha Halliwell
Address Grange Road, Bowdon, Altrincham, WA14 3EX
Phone Number 01619288907
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 622
Local Authority Trafford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Bowdon CofE Primary School is a wonderfully vibrant place for pupils to learn and thrive. Everyone is welcomed with open arms into this highly successful school.

The school's Christian ethos shines through all that it does.

Pupils embody the school's 'golden values' of being ready, respectful, kind and safe. They recognise adults in the school as excellent role models. Pupils' personal development is exceptional.

Staff have extremely high expectations of all pupils. The expertise of staff ensures that pupils achieve exceptionally well in all areas of the curriculum. Pupils are well equipped to become curious, self-motivated individuals who believe that they achieve all they want to.

They flourish. Pupils leave the school extremely well prepared for the future.

Pupils of all ages are absorbed in their learning.

Their behaviour in lessons and around the school is exemplary. Pupils are polite, well-mannered and greet everyone with a smile.

Parents and carers said that they are highly impressed with the school and the array of opportunities that it gives to their children.

Pupils benefit from nurturing leaders and passionate staff. Pupils and parents said that this school is amazing.

Pupils feel very safe.

Although bullying is rare, pupils are adamant that staff would deal with it without hesitation should it happen.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are continually reviewing their curriculum to ensure that it remains exemplary. The curriculum gives pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding to be confident and motivated learners in all of their subjects.

Leaders have thought exactly about what they want to teach pupils and the order that lessons should be taught. This is a school where pupils have a thirst for learning.

Teachers are passionate and very knowledgeable about the subjects that they teach.

They use this to inspire pupils every day. Teachers explain things with precision and clarity to pupils. They help pupils to remember important information and make connections between different concepts and topics.

For example, pupils in Year 5 recalled examples of the corruption of power in history over time. This ranged from the greed of the Mongols in the siege of Baghdad, to Henry VIII changing laws so that he could divorce his wife.

Reading is extremely important in the school.

Children learn letters and sounds as soon as they start in the Reception class. Most pupils reach the expected standard in the Year 1 phonics screening check. By the end of early years and key stage 1, pupils' attainment in reading is excellent.

The school has a rich and varied supply of books. Pupils told me they get lost in the books that they read. They relish the stories that teachers read to them.

Teachers encourage children from the Reception class onwards to understand and explain what they are reading. By the time they are in Year 6, pupils' ability to draw on their knowledge of a range of stories and texts, to make comparisons and to think critically is exceptional.

Writing is a significant strength of the school.

Most children in Reception can write several sentences by the time they leave for Year 1. Older pupils draw on their vast knowledge and understanding of books and texts to add richness and colour to their writing. Teachers' expertise at teaching grammar, punctuation and spelling ensures that pupils achieve exceptionally well by the time they leave Year 6.

Teachers ensure that pupils learn mathematical concepts thoroughly and in the right order. This is evident throughout the school. In the early years, we saw children thinking carefully about how they used directional language to find hidden treasure.

This love of and self-assurance in mathematics continues through the school. As pupils get older, they can confidently use what they already know and can do to solve increasingly complex problems. Pupils' achievement in mathematics is superb.

Leaders have very high expectations of the pupils in this school. They enable everyone to achieve their very best, not just academically, but creatively and physically. Leaders make sure that there are no limits to what pupils can do.

Across the school, disadvantaged pupils and pupils with special educational needs and/or disability (SEND) are highly successful. Staff in the early years prepare children extremely well for when they move up to Year 1. Pupils achieve exceptionally well in a wide range of subjects at the end of all key stages.

Pupils' behaviour is excellent throughout school. Pupils are highly motivated learners who relish contributing to their own learning. Although this is a large school, pupils show high levels of respect and responsibility for each other.

When describing this, pupils said: 'We are a big school, but we are like a small family'.

Pupils of all ages enjoy extensive extra-curricular opportunities. The take-up for clubs is extraordinary.

Many pupils go on to win a variety of competitions and awards, some to a national level. Past pupils write to the headteacher to explain their achievements. Some have gone on to play with the Hallé Orchestra, to represent schools nationally at netball and to be members of the Olympic squad in athletics.

The leadership team is inspirational. Governors are equally knowledgeable and dedicated. Staff are extremely proud to work at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong caring and nurturing ethos in the school. The protection of pupils is extremely important to all staff.

Leaders make sure that all policies and procedures are in place and that everyone knows them in detail.

Leaders are confident to act if they are concerned about a pupil. They work well with professionals outside the school to keep pupils safe.

Leaders are strong advocates for families and pupils.

The pastoral care in the school is a significant strength. Staff ensure that pupils and their families are well looked after and supported.

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