Bramble Infant School and Nursery

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About Bramble Infant School and Nursery

Name Bramble Infant School and Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Interim Headteacher Mr Oli Bradley
Address Bramble Road, Southsea, PO4 0DT
Phone Number 02392828604
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 173
Local Authority Portsmouth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The headteacher's strong leadership has led to improved outcomes for pupils. He knows the strengths of the school and has taken effective action to address the decline in pupils' achievement since the last inspection.

Leaders put the social and emotional well-being of pupils at the forefront of their decisions. They provide strong support for vulnerable pupils and their families. Pupils are protected and they thrive socially and academically.

Governors are strong. They know the school well and track improvements rigorously. They hold leaders to account for pupils' outcomes and the use of additional funding.

Leaders target additio...nal funding well to ensure disadvantaged pupils' outcomes improve. There is very little difference in the progress of this group and that of other pupils in school. Pupils' attitudes to learning are developing well.

They know the school's 'STAR' values. Pupils know what to do to succeed. Relationships between pupils are positive across the school.

The youngest children get off to a good start in Nursery. Teaching in the Reception classes builds on these foundations. Children make very good progress and leave early years well prepared for key stage 1.

Pupils who are vulnerable make strong progress from their starting points. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and pupils who speak English as an additional language (EAL) are supported well. Teaching is good.

Teachers value the support they have received to improve their skills in English, mathematics and the wider curriculum. Pupils' progress in writing is improving across the school. Pupils' spelling and presentation are generally of a high standard.

However, outcomes in mathematics need to improve. Not all tasks challenge or support pupils' learning. Teachers plan interesting topics for pupils.

However, pupils do not develop their knowledge and skills across a range of subjects over time. Leaders have plans to develop the wider curriculum.

Information about this school

Bramble Infant and Nursery School is smaller than the average-sized nursery and infant school.

Goldsmith Infant School amalgamated with Bramble Nursery in 2016 and became Bramble Infant and Nursery School. The school has 11 out of a possible 17 ethnic groups. The average number is nine for this phase of education.

The school's breakfast and after-school club provision is run on behalf of the governing body. Breakfast club opens at 7.45am and after-school club closes at 6pm.

Also at this postcode
Bramble Infant School and Nursery (Early Years Childcare)

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