Bramley Grange Primary School

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About Bramley Grange Primary School

Name Bramley Grange Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Headteacher Nikki O'Loughlin
Address Howard Road, Bramley, Rotherham, S66 2SY
Phone Number 01709543664
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 225
Local Authority Rotherham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Despite recent changes to leadership and many important improvements, the pupils at Bramley Grange do not learn consistently well across all subjects.

There are some gaps in their curriculum experience. Leaders have ambitions for every pupil to achieve their best. Pupils appreciate this and recognise the recent improvements in their school.

Many parents echo this, saying that the school environment is better and that their children's happiness has improved.

Pupils state that bullying does not happen. Anti-bullying ambassadors feel that they are no longer needed, as bullying is so rare.

Pupils say that, if bullying were to happen, they know that adult...s would provide support.

Pupils are polite and courteous. They enjoy coming to school and say that school is a safe place to be.

Pupils report that behaviour has improved recently and that it is always of a high standard. Pupils interact well with each other and with adults. At playtimes, adults initiate games and encourage pupils to take part.

There is a range of extra-curricular opportunities for pupils. This includes a number of after-school clubs. Pupils have participated in community events such as carol singing at the local library, litter picking and fundraising.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have responded positively and with urgency to the recommendations from the previous inspection report. Support from the White Woods Primary Academy Trust has been instrumental in this. Leaders have prioritised the most important things and have plans to continue improvement at pace.

Leaders are committed to developing a curriculum that reflects their ambitions. However, curriculum developments in some subjects are still in their infancy, and a curriculum for computing is not currently being taught. In some subjects, it is not clear how what children learn in the early years links with what they will learn in key stage 1 and beyond.

Newly introduced curriculum plans show leaders have clear intentions to build a well-sequenced curriculum, where the important knowledge pupils need to learn has been identified. Recent changes to the mathematics curriculum are already having impact. Teachers' subject knowledge and confidence have improved.

In lessons, teachers are using strategies to help pupils remember important knowledge by regularly revisiting previous learning. Pupils are attentive and eager to learn. Teachers also make regular checks that pupils are gaining and remembering important knowledge.

These strategies are helping pupils to remember recent learning. However, pupils are less secure in learning that took place longer ago.

There is the same level of ambition for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) as is there is for all pupils.

Staff show a strong commitment to the inclusion of all pupils. Plans for pupils with SEND outline the smaller steps of progress these pupils should make. Leaders provide teachers with the guidance that they need to best support pupils with SEND.

Additional needs are identified early, and appropriate adaptations are made to the curriculum where necessary. There is specialist provision for a small number of pupils with hearing impairment. These pupils are fully integrated into the life of the school.

Staff show a clear commitment to helping pupils learn to read. The school's chosen scheme for the teaching of phonics is delivered consistently. Staff are well trained and expert in the teaching of phonics.

Daily phonics sessions are well structured and delivered consistently. Teachers make regular checks to see if pupils are slipping behind and quickly intervene to help them to keep up. Pupils say that they enjoy reading and reading lessons.

They know that, if they struggle, they will be supported to get better.

There is a vibrant environment in the early years that reflects the children's current learning. There are many opportunities for children to learn early mathematical concepts, such as comparing and ordering.

Topics engage the children's interests, and they learn important knowledge. For example, children successfully identified the head, thorax and abdomen of an insect. Relationships in early years are warm and positive.

However, although the early years curriculum is purposeful, it is unclear how this curriculum links with learning further up school.

Leaders are passionate about pupils' personal development. They are focused on ensuring that pupils are respectful, tolerant and resilient.

They prepare pupils to contribute positively to society. In personal, social and health education lessons, pupils learn about healthy lifestyles and healthy relationships. Pupils show respect for others.

They say that everyone is treated equally. One pupil said, 'There isn't any bias'. They feel listened to and can share their opinions with staff.

Staff, pupils and parents are overwhelmingly positive about the leadership of the school. Staff say that they are proud to work as part of the team and that they are supported well. There have been some recent changes to governance.

Governors share the ambitions of school leaders. They are committed to the continued improvement and understand their role in helping to achieve this.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Pupils feel safe in school and learn about how to keep themselves safe, including when using technology. They know to seek adult support if they have a worry or concern.

Timely and relevant training ensures that staff know what to do if they have a concern about a pupil.

Safeguarding records show that concerns are recorded appropriately. Leaders engage with external agencies when support is needed for vulnerable pupils and families. They also ensure that all appropriate checks are carried out on adults to make sure that they are safe to work in school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Pupils are not receiving a sufficiently broad curriculum. For example, pupils do not currently study computing. Leaders need to ensure that pupils follow a suitably broad and ambitious curriculum so that they are better prepared for secondary school.

• Leaders have not carefully planned for how the curriculum in early years links to the learning that pupils undertake in key stage 1 and beyond. This means that opportunities to build on prior learning are not fully explored. Leaders should ensure that there are clear links between the early years curriculum and the rest of school.

• The implementation of the curriculum is at a very early stage in many subjects. Pupils are not always able to recall and apply knowledge and vocabulary from previous topics well enough. Leaders need to embed the curriculum securely and check that pupils are learning what is intended.

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