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Bramley Sunnyside Infant school is a good school that has made many improvements since the last inspection.
The well-being and interests of each pupil is considered the responsibility of every adult in school, amply demonstrating the school's motto: 'We want our children to shine!' The nurturing, warm environment helps pupils feel safe and secure, and underpins their good behaviour, and social and moral development. Parents and carers, who responded to the questionnaire, are overwhelmingly supportive of the school. They typically commented that their children always look forward to going to school and are 'coming on in leaps and bounds.'
Most pupils, including those in the Early Years Foundat...ion Stage, achieve well relative to their starting points and develop positive attitudes to learning. Levels of attainment are broadly average overall, although generally higher in mathematics and reading than in writing. Inspectors observed some lessons where pupils were so enthused about their learning that they were keen to do work at home of their own initiative, proudly sharing their accomplishments with the class and making suggestions for further learning activities.
The quality of teaching is good. School leaders have successfully established a consistent approach throughout school, which actively engages pupils in considering how they can improve their work further. Learning activities in most lessons are adapted well to meet the full range of pupils' needs and learning proceeds at a good pace.
However, the school recognises that pupils are sometimes prevented from making the best possible progress because transition times between learning activities are not always brisk enough and teaching in phonics sessions (where pupils learn how letters and sounds make up words) is not always as effective. The quality of leadership and management of the school is good. Rigorous monitoring of teaching and learning has led to improved teaching throughout school.
The curriculum has been adapted and incorporates more topics, which interest and engage boys, more effectively. Pupils now enjoy learning activities involving pirates, aliens and working in the school allotment. This is motivating boys, in particular, to learn and make faster progress.
Information about the school
Bramley Sunnyside is larger than the average-sized infant school. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is below average, as is the proportion with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Most pupils are of White British heritage.
Almost half the pupils who currently attend the school come from outside the immediate catchment area. There are significantly more boys than girls in school, particularly in the upper school. The school has met the government's floor targets for academic performance in each of the last three years.
Since the last inspection, a number of the staff have acquired new leadership roles within the school. The headteacher took up post in September 2009. The school has received a number of awards, Good Practice for Interventions, the Basic Skills Quality Mark and Healthy School status.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.