Brampton Primary School

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About Brampton Primary School

Name Brampton Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Acting Headteacher Mrs Paven Kettory
Address Brampton Road, East Ham, London, E6 3LB
Phone Number 02084720830
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 902
Local Authority Newham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils really enjoy their learning. They are proud to be part of a school where their rights and responsibilities are promoted and respected. This is clear in their attitudes.

Pupils show respect for one another and for staff. Pupils are kind to each other, and they do not tolerate bullying. Pupils feel that they have a voice in their education.

They comment that this is a 'listening and telling' school, saying that this helps them to feel safe.

The school is extremely ambitious for all its pupils. They learn a broad range of subjects in line with the national curriculum.

Pupils also have the opportunity for their interests and knowledge to be stretc...hed beyond this. For example, all pupils, from early years to Year 6, learn Spanish, and trips to Madrid are planned. Pupils are keen readers, and they look forward to their weekly library lesson.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. In lessons, they listen carefully to the teacher and to one another. Pupils are keen to discuss issues, and they do this with respect for each other's ideas and views.

Pupils enjoy their playtime and have fun with their friends. Some pupils are 'play leaders', and they encourage others to join in if they are alone. 'Peer mediators' help to resolve any issues that may happen in the playground.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed a curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils in the school. From early years, and including the specially resourced provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), leaders have thought carefully about what they want pupils to know and remember. They have organised the curriculum so that pupils develop detailed knowledge and skills step by step over time.

For example, children in early years find out about and discuss people in their local community. This prepares them for learning in Year 1, where they explore how London has changed as part of the history curriculum. In Year 6, pupils build on this knowledge when learning about the impact of the Second World War and migration on society in the United Kingdom.

Teachers systematically check whether pupils understand the new knowledge that they are learning. When teachers identify gaps in knowledge or misconceptions, they correct them immediately. Pupils are given time to make corrections to their work.

Pupils have excellent recall of what they have learned. Staff in the early years know their key children very well. They expertly support children to develop their language and communication skills.

Children are also skilfully supported to build their understanding of number, for instance by enjoying activities to learn number sequences. Children in early years are extremely well prepared for what they will learn in Year 1 and beyond.

The school ensures that no time is wasted in starting to teach children to read.

Children's knowledge of letters and their sounds is checked regularly, including during the first week of Reception. Children then immediately start to learn and practise their phonics knowledge. Routines to support phonics learning are well embedded, and pupils are supported to progress through the school's chosen reading programme successfully.

Pupils read books that match the sounds they know, which enables them to practise becoming accurate and fluent readers quickly. Leaders invite parents and carers into the early years for 'books for breakfast' sessions, where parents read with their children. Staff closely monitor the progress pupils make in reading and provide effective one-to-one catch-up sessions for any pupils who fall behind.

The school supports pupils with SEND exceptionally well. This includes those pupils in the specially resourced provision for pupils with SEND. Pupils' needs are quickly identified.

Teachers adapt learning resources so that all pupils can successfully access the core knowledge and skills being taught in lessons. For pupils in the specially resourced provision, there is a strong focus on communication, both through high-quality adult support and the curriculum.

Pupils have an extremely positive attitude to learning, and their attendance is high.

They are keen to learn; they work well in pairs and small groups, and they enjoy discussions. Children learn about how to recognise and describe their feelings in early years and, as they get older, they manage their emotions and behaviour well. Lessons are seldomly disrupted.

Pupils complete the tasks that they are set diligently, and their work is of a high quality.

The school's offer for pupils' personal development is excellent. Through carefully considered religious education (RE) and personal, social, health and economic education curriculums, pupils learn about world religions and the diversity of modern Britain.

Pupils also visit the places of worship of different religions and experience overnight visits, including abroad. Leaders have taken care to build educational visits into the taught curriculum so that all pupils benefit from them. Pupils attend a wide range of clubs and activities during and after school.

They are keen to take on roles of responsibility and are particularly proud to be the class 'Champion of Rights'.

The school is very well led and governed. Leaders are ambitious for all pupils, regardless of their starting points.

Those responsible for governance know the school well and provide the right balance of support and challenge to senior staff.

Leaders are considerate of staff well-being. They manage staff workload well, and staff comment that leaders listen and act if they raise concerns.

The school makes sure that staff have the training they need to perform their roles well. Leaders have successfully ensured that their vision of respecting everyone is woven through the school at all levels.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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