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Pupils thrive at this inclusive and caring school. Pupils said that they enjoy coming to school and learning.
The school has high expectations of all pupils. They achieve exceptionally well. Parents and carers are incredibly positive about the school.
Typical comments from them are that the school is 'amazing' and a 'fantastic welcoming environment'.
There are positive relationships between staff and pupils. Pupils know they are well cared for and safe at school.
They said they have many adults in school they can talk to if they are worried. Pupils behave exceptionally well. Most have excellent attitudes to learning.
At break and lunchtime, ...pupils behave sensibly. They play well together and enjoy taking part in a range of activities. Staff support pupils well in these activities so that pupils learn to socialise together.
Pupils show high levels of respect for each other and staff.
Through its 'rainbow of opportunities', the school provides an extensive range of high-quality extra-curricular activities. All pupils make excellent use of these.
For example, they enjoy participating in football, 'books and biscuit club', choir, 'little troopers', gymnastics and mindfulness club. Pupils also enjoy taking part in the 'awe and wonder' council and the school council.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has designed a broad and ambitious curriculum for all pupils.
It is well planned and precisely identifies what pupils will learn and when. This supports all teachers in delivering the curriculum to a high standard. As a result, all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), make excellent progress through the curriculum.
Teachers have excellent subject knowledge and model new learning extremely effectively. Staff use questions very well to check and develop pupils' understanding. Teachers quickly address any misconceptions so pupils can securely build on previous learning.
Teachers use engaging activities to help pupils develop the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Pupils consistently produce high-quality work. Staff use morning registration time to help pupils recall what they have previously learned.
This helps pupils remember long term what they have been taught. For example, pupils in Year 1 could confidently recall the names of the different parts of a flower.
Children in Reception learn in a stimulating and nurturing environment.
The staff know exactly what they want children to learn. They provide highly effective learning activities that children engage with exceptionally well. Teaching staff have established clear routines and expectations.
Children understand these and follow them consistently well. This supports children in developing excellent social skills. They share and cooperate very well with each other.
The school is passionate that all pupils develop of a love of reading. Pupils learn new vocabulary in all parts of the curriculum. They enjoy reading independently and listening to teachers read stories.
Pupils start to learn phonics as soon as they start school. Well-trained staff deliver phonics sessions very effectively. Pupils soon gain the knowledge and skills they need to read confidently and fluently.
Staff use assessment well to identify pupils who have gaps in their phonics knowledge. These pupils are helped to quickly catch up.
The school accurately identifies the needs of pupils with SEND.
Teachers get detailed information about how they can support these pupils. They make excellent use of this information to adapt their teaching and resources. Teachers deploy other adults in the class very effectively to support these pupils.
This means pupils with SEND access the same ambitious curriculum as other pupils, and achieve well.
The school is calm and orderly and has high expectations of pupils' behaviour. Staff use praise well to reinforce these expectations at every opportunity.
Pupils enjoy being rewarded for their excellent behaviour. This ensures that pupils are motivated to behave and work well. The school takes highly effective action to support pupils who struggle to behave well.
The school provides excellent support for families so that pupils attend school regularly.
The school's work to support pupils' personal development is of a high quality. Teachers read books that promote equality and diversity.
Pupils enjoy taking virtual trips around the world where they learn about different cultures. They know how to be safe online and in the community. They learn about the importance of healthy lifestyles.
The school's values of love, perseverance, kindness, forgiveness, honesty and respect help to develop pupils' character. Pupils know to treat others from different backgrounds with respect. They are exceptionally well-prepared for their next steps.
Staff are proud to work at the school. They feel well-supported. Staff benefit from an extensive range of high-quality professional development that builds their expertise in delivering the curriculum.
The work the school does to engage with families is exceptional. The trust and those responsible for governance provide highly effective support and challenge.