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Leaders and other staff work really hard to make the school a place where children can learn.
The staff care a great deal for pupils and want the best for them. They make sure that pupils are well looked after and kept safe. Pupils want to come to school.
Pupils say that they are happy, and that everyone gets on well together. Pupils behave well. Bullying is rare.
Most pupils agree that when bullying does happen, staff deal with it well.
Leaders are determined that pupils will leave the school with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in their futures. Leaders plan the curriculum well to help pupils develop personally as well as achiev...e academically.
A range of clubs and enrichment activities develop pupils' wider interests and talents.
Pupils want to please their teachers. They are keen to do well and eagerly take part in the activities that teachers provide.
Pupils have good manners and are confident when talking to visitors. The inspection team was made to feel most welcome by all members of the positive school community.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have high expectations and want all pupils to do well.
They think carefully about what pupils need to learn. Subject leaders ensure that teachers know what they need to teach and when they need to teach it. Teachers make sure that pupils build up knowledge and understand the subjects they learn.
For instance, pupils spoke confidently about the Egyptians, who they study in history.
Pupils achieve increasingly well. On occasion, however, teachers drift from their teaching plans and pupils' learning is less focused.
When this happens, some pupils do not gain the knowledge or skills in the order they need to be learned. Some teachers are new to the school and to teaching. Leaders make sure that they receive good support and training to develop their expertise.
Sometimes, leaders do not check closely enough to make sure that all staff are using agreed approaches.
All staff prioritise reading. Pupils told us how much they enjoy reading.
Leaders' new plans to improve reading are detailed and show how they intend pupils' reading knowledge and skills will build up over time. Teachers are more precise in their delivery of reading than they have been in the past. Phonics teaching has a clear structure and staff use appropriate resources.
Staff make sure that pupils' reading books match the sounds that they learn. Leaders check what teachers are teaching. However, leaders do not make sure that all teachers teach the school's phonics programme as precisely as they should.
Pupils learn well in mathematics, in writing and other subjects. Leaders and staff plan and deliver these subjects well. Pupils build up their knowledge in a logical way.
They revisit some aspects to help them remember.
Staff want pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and disadvantaged pupils to do well. Leaders make sure that these pupils receive the support they need.
They adapt their curriculum plans to help these pupils.
Children are safe and happy in the early years. They behave and play well together.
Leaders want children in the early years to learn to read quickly. Teachers share their love of reading with children, as they read aloud with energy and enthusiasm. Teachers do not make sure that all activities build on what children already know and can do.
This is especially true for Reception children in the outdoor classroom.
Staff make sure that the curriculum helps pupils to develop personally and know why it is important to behave well. Pupils learn how to be confident and healthy.
Experiences such as school trips and cooking clubs help pupils to develop, both personally and socially. Leaders want all pupils to achieve well and to have high aspirations. Staff help pupils deal with any difficulties.
Strong relationships with parents help to achieve this.
All staff are committed to providing a high-quality education for the pupils. Leaders consider staff well-being.
Most staff appreciate what leaders do for them.
The school's curriculum currently does not include the teaching of a modern foreign language. This is because leaders plan to introduce the teaching of a different language this year.
Leaders' plans show that they are in the process of doing this.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Staff know the pupils and their families well.
They are vigilant in looking out for any indications that a pupil may be at risk. Leaders respond swiftly to any concerns reported. They make sure that pupils get the extra support they may need.
Leaders are aware of the risks that pupils might face in the local community. They are proactive in preventing any issues from developing.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
Curriculum leaders are not as effective as they could be.
They need to check more carefully the quality of teaching and address remaining inconsistencies, including in the teaching of phonics. On occasion, some teachers do not follow curriculum planning as well as they should. Leaders need to ensure that all teachers continue to gain the expertise they need to deliver the curriculum planning consistently well across the school.
Leaders need to check that teachers are following agreed plans. . Pupils in key stage 2 have, until this year, had the opportunity to learn a modern foreign language.
Leaders have temporarily paused this to introduce a different language. Pupils currently, therefore, are not able to access this provision.Leaders need to implement their plans to reintroduce a modern foreign language.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.