Braunstone Frith Primary Academy

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About Braunstone Frith Primary Academy

Name Braunstone Frith Primary Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Naomi Grant
Address Cuffling Drive, Leicester, LE3 6NF
Phone Number 01162872487
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 532
Local Authority Leicester
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils feel happy and safe in this vibrant, diverse community. There is a positive, respectful culture. Pupils describe their school as an inclusive place.

They learn the importance of consent and equality. Pupils say, 'Everyone is welcome here.'

There are high expectations of pupils' behaviour.

Pupils listen and concentrate well most of the time. The classes at Braunstone Frith are known as 'crews'. Staff teach pupils how to be active, responsible crew members.

Pupils are not allowed to be 'passengers'. The school's 'REACH IT' values set out what it means to be a successful learner. Pupils like earning points for demonstrating one of the 'REACH IT'... attitudes.

The school's curriculum is ambitious and relevant. It takes account of pupils' backgrounds and their needs. The development of pupils' spoken language is a key feature of its design.

There is a focus on oracy and developing pupils' vocabulary in all lessons. Pupils learn to talk, and they learn through talk. This approach is serving all pupils well, but it is particularly effective for the high proportion of disadvantaged pupils, pupils with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and pupils who speak English as an additional language (EAL) at the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has ensured that its curriculum is ambitious and well sequenced. The early years curriculum builds children's knowledge and skills in small steps. There is an exact order to what pupils need to know in all subjects.

Staff are experts in teaching pupils to read. They quickly develop fluent reading by encouraging pupils to sound out words in their heads. Staff ensure that reading books are matched to the letter sounds that pupils recognise.

Older pupils like answering quiz questions about the books they have read. Pupils have positive attitudes to reading. Most read frequently in their own time.

Children are immersed in a world of books from the moment they start in Nursery or Reception. Pupils enjoy the class stories they read as part of the school's 'reading spine'. They say, 'Teachers make the books so interesting!'

A high number of pupils join the school part way through their primary education.

Many of these pupils are new to the country. Some speak little English when they first arrive. The school embraces every pupil who joins.

It supports them to settle quickly. These pupils do well while they are at Braunstone Frith. However, there is not always sufficient time for pupils to catch up before they leave at the end of Year 6.

Published outcomes, therefore, do not reflect the high-quality English and mathematics provision at the school.

Staff model learning well so that pupils can learn from their examples. Pupils value this approach.

As one pupil explained, 'This really helps me because I come from a different country and speak a different language and I don't always know what to do.' The use of 'sentence stems' is common practice in lessons. This approach helps pupils structure their oral responses.

Similarly, staff use 'widgits' to support learning. These visual prompts remind pupils of the meaning of words and concepts. However, staff do not always check closely enough on pupils' learning in lessons.

This means that misconceptions can go unnoticed, and pupils are sometimes moved on to new learning before they are ready.

Pupils with SEND are fully included in the life of the school. Staff ensure that learning is adapted so that pupils with SEND can access the same ambitious curriculum content as their peers.

Pupils thrive in the school's designated specialist provision (DSP) named 'Western Park'. As well as bespoke learning in the DSP, pupils enrolled at 'Western Park' also access lessons in the main school.

Reducing absence is a high priority at Braunstone Frith.

The school teaches pupils about the importance of regular attendance. It monitors attendance closely. It works well with families and other agencies when absence is very high.

However, the school's approach does not always identify and address the root cause of some pupils' low attendance swiftly enough which means that improvements do not occur as quickly as they might.

The school's personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education curriculum is very comprehensive. Pupils learn about the potential risks and issues in their local area, and how to stay safe.

Pupils take part in projects called 'Real Life Missions' where they are empowered to bring about positive change. There is a plethora of free clubs on offer.

The school is well supported by Life Multi-Academy Trust.

Staff are proud to work at Braunstone Frith Primary Academy.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Staff do not always check closely enough on pupils' learning in lessons.

This means that misconceptions can go unnoticed. Sometimes, new content is introduced before pupils are ready. The school must ensure that all staff use formative assessment well, so that pupils have a secure grasp of the knowledge they need for the next stage of their learning.

• The school sometimes waits too long to find out why some pupils do not come to school as often as they should. This means that improvements do not occur as rapidly as they might. The school must review its systems for securing high attendance so that the root cause of some pupils' low attendance is identified and addressed swiftly.

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