Bredon Hancock’s Endowed CofE First School

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About Bredon Hancock’s Endowed CofE First School

Name Bredon Hancock’s Endowed CofE First School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Zoe Newton-Smith
Address Church Street, Bredon, Tewkesbury, GL20 7LA
Phone Number 01684772254
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-10
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 155
Local Authority Worcestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school. Children in Reception make excellent progress in their academic and personal development. High-quality teaching enables pupils to make outstanding progress.

Standards are high, and pupils are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their education. The school makes sure that pupils of all abilities, including those with special educational needs and the most able, have an equal chance to succeed. Very good use is made of extra funding which helps disadvantaged pupils to catch up rapidly.

The headteacher provides outstanding leadership. All staff have a strong sense of purpose in working together to improve the school. T...eachers use their detailed knowledge of what pupils can already do to plan challenging lessons.

Their feedback gives pupils a very clear understanding of how to improve their work. Pupils enjoy coming to school. Their attendance is much higher than average, and their behaviour is outstanding.

Pupils' enthusiasm for learning helps them make rapid progress. The school's work to keep pupils safe and secure is outstanding. Parents express great satisfaction because their children are so happy and well looked after, and do so well.

Leaders are especially skilled at training staff, and teachers are keen to learn from each other. As a result, teaching is outstanding and standards are rising rapidly. The vibrant curriculum enhances pupils' knowledge and helps them gain considerable skills in English and mathematics.

Just occasionally, pupils do not present their work to a high enough standard. The school promotes pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development especially well. Links with other schools and communities help to prepare them very well for life in modern Britain.

Governors have an excellent understanding of the strengths of the school and how it can improve still further. Their challenge and support to the school's leaders are exemplary.

Information about this school

The Bredon Hancock's Endowed First School is smaller than the average primary school.

All of the children in the Reception class attend full time. Most pupils are from a White British heritage. At around 15%, the proportion of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs is above average.

A small number of pupils, about 5%, are supported by the additional pupil premium funding. This is well below the national average. The extra funding is for disadvantaged pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals or looked after by the local authority.

As this is a first school, there are no government floor standards setting the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress. The headteacher provides support to another primary school in the local authority. The school has a number of after-school clubs.

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