Brentry Primary School

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About Brentry Primary School

Name Brentry Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Geraint Clarke
Address Brentry Lane, Brentry, Bristol, BS10 6RG
Phone Number 01173532261
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 208
Local Authority Bristol, City of
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about Brentry Primary School. They are deeply appreciative of the care, guidance and support staff give to their children. A significant number of parents commented on the school's 'inspiring' commitment to nurturing pupils' individual interests.

Pupils, too, brim with confidence when talking about the happy and caring environment. They know how the school's mission statement of 'Safety, Health, Achievement, Responsibility and Enjoyment' is at the centre of their learning. For example, Year 6 pupils take pride in carrying out responsible jobs, such as playground buddies and looking after the school's budgerigars.

Pupils clear that bullying does not happen. If it did, they feel sure that staff would sort it out. Leaders have created a positive and respectful culture where everyone feels safe.

Pupils greet visitors warmly. They display positive behaviour in the classroom and around the school.

Pupils have a strong understanding of diversity.

Staff make it a priority to teach the importance of respecting differences and ending discrimination. A view held by many pupils is how the staff 'want us to leave the school as good citizens'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have successfully created an inclusive culture where everyone feels supported and valued.

Pupils live up to staff's high expectations for behaviour in their work and play.

Pupils enjoy reading. In key stage 2, there is an ambitious reading programme.

There is a strong focus on expanding pupils' vocabulary. For example, pupils are confident finding out and explaining the meaning of unfamiliar words they come across in lessons. Leaders have improved the teaching of early reading.

Leaders have prioritised training for teachers and teaching assistants. As a result, well-trained staff support the youngest children to hear and recognise sounds as soon as they start school. There is a clear and consistent structure to phonics lessons.

Leaders have invested in books that match the sounds that pupils are learning. Most pupils learn to read well. However, on occasion, when pupils need additional practice, the books they read can be too hard.

This prevents a small number of pupils from reading fluently.

Before the first national lockdown, leaders overhauled many subjects in the school's curriculum. They worked hard to put together well sequenced and ambitious plans.

These plans include the important knowledge and skills leaders expect pupils to learn in each subject. However, this work stalled during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. For example, some assessment systems used to check what pupils learn and remember are only starting to develop.

This means that leaders do not know enough about how well pupils are learning the curriculum in some subjects, such as religious education.

Leaders' work to improve the curriculum for mathematics and history is paying off. Children leave Reception ready for the next stage of their education.

At the start of Year 1, most pupils can successfully count, find pairs of numbers, and recognise patterns. In Year 6, pupils understand important historical concepts, such as empire and invasion. They have developed a strong knowledge of chronology from what they have learned in previous years.

Leaders and staff include pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities in the life of the school. Staff are skilled at providing the right support for pupils with complex needs. They adapt the learning in lessons and social times so that pupils have every opportunity to succeed.

Many parents recognise this.

Leaders have put together a strong programme to develop pupils' personal development. Pupils speak highly of how staff build their interest and talents through debating, public speaking and trips.

Leaders plan learning so that pupils become compassionate and considerate towards others. For example, pupils learn to accept differences by learning about significant people. As such, they are well prepared for living in a diverse society.

Governors share school leaders' ambitions. They are knowledgeable about the school's work. They fulfil their statutory responsibilities and place a high priority on staff well-being.

Governors understand the school's work on improving the wider curriculum. They check on the effectiveness of leaders' plans and offer challenge where appropriate. Governors are committed to pupils' academic and personal success.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and governors keep pupils' well-being and safety at the forefront of their work. The designated leader of safeguarding ensures that staff receive up-to-date training.

Staff at all levels know what to do if they have concerns about the welfare of a pupil. Leaders are quick to support pupils and families in need of additional help and support.

There is unanimous agreement from parents, pupils and staff that Brentry Primary School is a safe place to learn.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• A minority of pupils in Years 1, 2 and 3 who are at the early stages of reading struggle to read fluently. The books they are reading are not consistently well matched to their phonics knowledge. Leaders need to ensure that these pupils read books that match the sounds they know, so that they develop reading fluency and confidence.

• Leaders are developing the use of assessment in some subjects, such as religious education. Some pupils have gaps in their learning. Leaders need to ensure that assessment is used to check pupils' learning over time, so that pupils know more and remember more of the intended curriculum.

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