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Each child is special and excellent levels of inclusion are in place. The outcomes for pupils are excellent and prepare them extremely well for the next stage of their education. This is a result of the impact of outstanding leaders and managers, excellent governance, first-class care, guidance and support and the highest quality teaching.
Parents and carers are virtually unanimous in their support for the school. The view of one typifies that of many, 'This is a fantastic school which is very well-managed with dedicated, enthusiastic staff.' Achievement is outstanding and pupils enjoy learning.
From starting points to the Reception class that are just ...above typical for their age, progress accelerates at a rapid rate across the school. This culminates by the end of Year 6 in high attainment in English and mathematics. It is not just academic achievement in which pupils excel – excellent levels of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development contribute to advanced levels of personal development.
Pupils grow into self-reliant and assured youngsters who are articulate and confident to speak publicly. Initiatives such as 'golden time' to reward good conduct underpin exemplary behaviour. Pupils are naturally helpful and willingly raise funds for those less fortunate than themselves.
The pupil voice is highly valued and enables it to influence a variety of decisions made within the school. All pupils have very positive attitudes which are manifested in their high rates of attendance. Pupils benefit from many exciting experiences within a good curriculum.
The focus on literacy and numeracy is very productive and strengths are also evident in sport and information and communication technology. Other subjects are given a fair proportion of time but the systems for planning and monitoring achievement in these subjects are not advanced enough to generate the highest outcomes. Inspirational leadership by the headteacher and her assistant has created a staff team that shares the vision of giving pupils the best possible start in life.
Every child matters and inclusion is of the highest standard. Excellent partnerships with local schools and support services and superb systems for engaging parents and carers in their children's education, add to the excellent value that is added to pupils' lives. Governance is first class because of its excellent knowledge of the school and its involvement in shaping its direction.
Safeguarding is of the highest quality and reflects the high priority given to providing a secure environment. Since the last inspection, attainment has risen considerably and progress has improved rapidly. Improvements have been made to the quality of the accommodation and, despite a cramped hall space every square metre is used effectively.
Given the strong track record of sustained improvement since the previous inspection and the rigorous self-evaluations made by leaders and managers, the school has an excellent capacity to improve further.
Information about the school
The school is smaller than the average primary school. It serves a wide geographical area within a rural location and many pupils travel considerable distances to attend.
All pupils are of White British heritage. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is low. The percentage with special educational needs and/or disabilities is average.
The school is involved in a local teacher training scheme, guiding and training new teachers at the school. The school provides before- and after-school childcare. It has also achieved Healthy Schools status.
Inspection grades: 1 is outstanding, 2 is good, 3 is satisfactory and 4 is inadequate Please turn to the glossary for a description of the grades and inspection terms
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.