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This is a welcoming school where all pupils are made to feel part of the community, regardless of their differences. Pupils are kind and considerate towards one another. They told inspectors that their friendships make them feel happy in school.
Pupils trust that staff will listen to any concerns that they may have. This helps them to feel safe at school.
Leaders are aspirational for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Many pupils achieve well in most subjects. However, this is not the case in other subjects where pupils have gaps in their knowledge. This means that pupils' achievement overall is uneven. ... Leaders and staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour. Pupils are keen to live up to these expectations. They are polite and well mannered.
Leaders have effective systems in place to identify any bullying. If bullying should occur, leaders deal with it quickly.
Pupils value the opportunities to take on responsibilities, such as being sports leaders or members of the school council.
School ambassadors work with pupils from other local schools on shared projects. These opportunities help to develop pupils' self-confidence and their ability to work as part of a team.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Children in the early years benefit from a well-thought-out curriculum that teaching staff deliver effectively.
Staff ably support children to develop their spoken and written language, as well as their understanding of number. This helps these children to be ready for the demands of the Year 1 curriculum.
In 2022, Year 6 pupils were not as well prepared for key stage 3 as they should have been in reading.
In part, this was due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the teaching of reading in some year groups was inconsistent. The new leaders have taken urgent action to review and revise the reading curriculum.
Leaders have increased the range of books that pupils read and have provided further training for teachers. These actions are strengthening pupils' achievement in reading.
In most subjects, leaders have thought carefully about the important knowledge that they want pupils to learn over time so that they know more and remember more.
A number of leaders' changes to the curriculum are very recent. In a few subjects, some pupils have gaps in their knowledge as a result of the weaknesses in the previous curriculum. Leaders have not put systems in place that help teachers to check what these pupils remember from previous learning.
Some pupils, including those with SEND, experience lesson activities that do not build on what they already know, or address the gaps in knowledge that they have. This means that over time, in some subjects, pupils' learning is insecure.Some subject leaders have not had the training or support that they need to carry out their roles effectively.
This limits their ability to identify where teachers need extra help and to provide suitable guidance to ensure that the curriculum is delivered well. In these subjects, some teachers do not have the subject knowledge that they need to design learning which deepens pupils' knowledge over time. This hinders how well pupils achieve in these subjects.
Leaders promote a love of reading across the school. Most pupils become fluent readers by the end of key stage 1. Nonetheless, some staff have not had the training that they need to support pupils with reading.
For example, these staff provide books for some pupils to read that do not match the sounds that they know. This affects these pupils' confidence and hinders their progress in learning to read.
Leaders have effective systems in place to identify the additional needs of pupils with SEND.
Staff have benefited from the specialist training that they have received. Typically, teachers adapt learning activities well for pupils with SEND. These pupils learn the same curriculum as their peers and are fully involved in all aspects of school life.
Pupils behave well and are attentive in lessons. Many lessons proceed without disruption. This allows pupils to focus on the learning activities that the teachers provide.
Children in the Reception Year cooperate well with their peers and they are keen to engage with the different learning opportunities. They follow instructions and are quick to help during tidy up time.
Leaders place a high importance on pupils' wider development.
Pupils understand that there are many different types of families in society. They learn the importance of keeping fit and eating healthy foods. Pupils benefit from opportunities to develop their talents and interests through clubs such as cricket and art.
Governors are beginning to offer a greater level of support and challenge to leaders. They have more accurate information about the weaknesses in pupils' achievement than previously. This is enabling new leaders to improve the quality of education.
However, some of these improvements are at an early stage, including the effectiveness of some subject leaders.
Leaders are considerate of staff's workload and well-being. Staff are positive about working at the school.
They value the support that leaders provide to them.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders ensure that staff are trained well to spot the signs that a pupil may be at risk of harm.
Staff follow clear procedures to report any concerns that they have about a pupil. Leaders engage with other professionals and organisations so that pupils and their families can access extra support when they need it.Leaders ensure that pupils take part in activities that help them to understand risks and hazards.
For example, pupils know how to keep themselves safe when using the internet. They understand the importance of not sharing personal information when working and playing online.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some curriculum subjects, teachers do not check what pupils know and remember.
In these subjects, some teachers do not deliver learning activities that build on what pupils know and can do. Therefore, some pupils struggle to make sense of new learning. Leaders should ensure that teachers identify and address gaps in pupils' learning before teaching new concepts.
• In some subjects, teachers do not implement the curriculum as leaders intend. In these subjects, some pupils do not achieve as well as they should. Leaders should ensure that curriculum leaders support teachers effectively to deliver the subject curriculums well.
• A few staff do not deliver the school's phonics programme well enough. This hinders how well some pupils learn to read. Leaders should ensure that all staff deliver the programme effectively so that pupils learn to read fluently and confidently.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.