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From the moment they arrive, pupils thrive in this happy school.
Whatever their background or culture, they value each other and achieve very well. Pupils make a big contribution to this success. Their work in groups such as young interpreters and pupil champions is inspirational.
Staff have an absolute determination that every pupil will succeed. They leave nothing to chance. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive exceptional support.
They play a full role in the life of the school. Pupils who are new to the school are quick to settle. They make friends and become part of the Brighton Avenue 'family'.
Pupils enjoy t...heir learning. They work hard and reach high standards across the curriculum. They deepen their learning through regular visits to museums and places of interest.
Pupils meet a wide range of visitors and learn about different careers. The excellent quality of education prepares them well for the next stage of their learning.
Behaviour in lessons and outside the classroom is exemplary.
Pupils strive to meet the school's high expectations. Relationships within school are very strong. Pupils feel safe and well supported, both by staff and their peers.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders, including governors, are relentless in overcoming any barriers to pupils' success. They make every effort to get to know pupils' families. Parents and carers are welcomed into school for regular stay-and-play sessions and assemblies.
Leaders are at the school gates at the beginning and the end of the school day. The quality and range of support for families is exceptional. Consequently, the school has a thorough understanding of pupils' needs.
There is a clear rationale behind every aspect of the school's provision.
The school's curriculum is very strong. Key learning and vocabulary in each subject are well sequenced.
Pupils get regular opportunities to revisit and build on what they have learned. Staff support pupils' understanding by connecting learning in different subjects. They are well trained and have exceptional subject knowledge.
They feel well supported and are proud to work at the school. As a result, pupils gain a thorough knowledge of the curriculum and achieve excellent outcomes. Pupils who are new to the school benefit from the strength of the curriculum and teaching.
They quickly catch up with their peers.
Provision for pupils with SEND is superb. The school has specialist staff and makes effective use of external expertise.
This ensures that the school identifies pupils' needs early. Consequently, plans to support pupils are detailed and accurate. Strong systems within school result in smooth transitions between year groups.
In class, pupils with SEND learn through activities that focus on important content. They receive timely prompting and guidance from staff when needed. The school's approach enables pupils with SEND to learn alongside their peers.
They achieve very strong outcomes.
Reading is a particular strength of the school. The youngest children in Nursery enjoy a rich range of stories, songs and rhymes.
The strong focus on vocabulary within the curriculum starts here. Children are ready to learn phonics when they reach Reception class. Pupils get regular opportunities to read and write the sounds they learn.
They quickly become fluent readers. They enjoy reading with older pupils. Parents receive considerable support to help their children read at home.
Pupils at risk of falling behind receive extra phonics lessons and reading practice. This helps them catch up. As a result, pupils become confident, fluent readers and achieve high standards in key stage 2 tests.
The school's programme for the personal development of pupils is excellent. Pupils in the school are all 'STARS' – safe, together, aspirational, resilient, successful. These attributes are embedded throughout the school and contribute to pupil's exceptional behaviour.
All pupils learn first aid and have an impressive understanding of how to stay safe online. Pupils take responsibility and help each other. This contributes to a deep respect for difference.
Pupils value the support of their peers as highly as the support they receive from staff. They demonstrate considerable maturity in their attitudes to each other.
The quality of provision in the Early Years is exceptional.
It offers every child, regardless of need, the very best start to learning. Staff establish strong routines and expectations. Children are quick to live up to them.
Children learn with ease and independence. They use ambitious language with adults and each other. This is because the curriculum is carefully planned and delivered.
Access to high-quality resources enhances children's ability to explore, play and learn. They enter Year 1 as confident learners.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.