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The outstanding leadership of the headteacher and her senior leaders over the last two years has vastly improved the quality of teaching and rapidly raised achievement. All staff are highly committed to support all pupils to the very best of their ability. Pupils show great enthusiasm for learning.
They make rapid progress from mostly below average starting points. Standards across the school are rising quickly in reading, writing and mathematics and are now average by the end of Year 6. However, standards at the end of Year 2 are not yet consistently equal to pupils nationally of similar age.
Pupils who are disadvantage...d make excellent progress and attain above levels expected for their age. Pupils with special educational needs and the most able also make rapid progress from their starting points. Children make an excellent start in the early years where they thrive and rapidly develop new skills and knowledge.
Teaching is good and much is outstanding. Teachers are highly trained and many are inspirational in their work to engage and motivate learning. Very occasionally, work is not planned sufficiently well to address different abilities or to take account of achievements within lessons.
The quality of marking is of the highest standard. It is consistently used by all teachers, and pupils have excellent opportunities to respond to teachers' comments. In this inclusive and harmonious school, behaviour is outstanding.
Pupils have immense pride in their school, in their work and in themselves. Relationships are excellent and they feel safe and secure. The school offers a vast array of experiences for pupils to develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural skills.
Pupils are polite and respectful, they show care and support for others in the school and in the wider community. The exciting curriculum motivates learning. Carefully focused visits and visitors to the school stimulate interest and widen pupils' experiences.
Pupils have many opportunities to use their developing skills in English and mathematics through other subjects. The governing body are highly effective in its duties. Governors strongly support the school.
Working closely with the headteacher and staff, they recognise when to challenge the school and are unafraid to take decisive action when needed. The school is well placed to continue to thrive and to raise standards further.
Information about this school
This is an average-sized primary school.
The proportion of disadvantaged pupils and therefore eligible for support through the pupil premium funding is well above average. (The pupil premium is additional government funding for those pupils known to be eligible for free school meals and those children looked after by the local authority.) The proportion of pupils from other minority ethnic backgrounds is much higher than average.
The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is much higher than average. The proportion of pupils supported through school action is much higher than average. The proportion supported at school action plus or with a statement of special educational needs is average.
The proportion of pupils who enter and leave the school at times other than those which are usual is much higher than average. The school meets the governments' current floor standards, which are the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress. Children in the early years have part-time provision in nursery of 15 hours a week.
Reception children receive full time education. At the time of the inspection, the outdoor area for early years was not in use. This was because work to develop the area was halted by the headteacher during the summer because of changes made to the original design which made the equipment unsafe for small children to use.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.