Brimble Hill Special School

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About Brimble Hill Special School

Name Brimble Hill Special School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Sarah Sumner
Address Tadpole Lane, Redhouse, Swindon, SN25 2NB
Phone Number 01793493900
Phase Academy (special)
Type Academy special converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 114
Local Authority Swindon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Brimble Hill School use many different ways to communicate with others. They say and show that they are happy in school. Staff know pupils well, and relationships are strong.

This supportive climate means pupils are safe, which helps them to focus on their learning.

The curriculum to support pupils' personal development is well planned and coordinated. It is based on the principle of supporting pupils to become increasingly independent.

The programme successfully promotes the skills and attributes that prepare pupils well for their future lives. Pupils enjoy the programme and its many varied activities.

Pupils take part in a range of events... while at the school.

These are the '50 things to do before you leave Brimble Hill'. For example, pupils take part in concerts, put on art exhibitions, visit a place of worship and meet a visitor. Pupils love the many activities that are on offer at the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school and the trust work closely together to improve the quality of education that pupils receive. The school has developed the content of the curriculum and the quality with which it is taught. Leaders ensure that changes are implemented well and that staff have the expertise to match the curriculum to the needs of pupils.

As a result, pupils study a well-structured and purposeful curriculum.

In each subject, 'knowledge ladders' set out in detail what pupils will learn. Staff skilfully determine the right curriculum pathway for pupils by assessing what they know and can do.

The pathways match pupils' education, health and care (EHC) plans closely. Leaders and staff implement these with a good degree of consistency. This helps pupils to follow the curriculum successfully.

However, at times, some pupils find it hard to recall what they have learned before.

Staff teach pupils to read well. They routinely introduce pupils to a wide variety of stories, rhymes and songs to support pupils' language development.

Staff teach early reading skills through a phonics scheme, which is implemented effectively. Staff are skilful at matching the programme to the needs of individual pupils.

There has been much thought and planning given to how best to manage pupils' behaviour.

The newly implemented system is very sensitive to pupils' emotional needs. It has resulted in positive changes to pupils' behaviour. Staff work closely with parents and view them as co-educators.

Leaders are resolute in their efforts to ensure that pupils attend school regularly. Staff use well-devised strategies with firm sensitivity. Consequently, attendance is improving.

Staff feel well supported by leaders and their colleagues. They feel part of one big team, working to provide what pupils need. They appreciate the support they receive to raise standards in the effectiveness of the school's work.

Staff workload is well-managed.Governors know the school well and have a clear and compelling vision. Pupils' learning and well-being are at the centre of this vision.

They seek reliable evidence from school leaders to inform their decision-making. They use this to hold leaders to account and are active in their support of the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• At times, pupils are not supported well to build their knowledge progressively. They therefore find it hard to use what they have done before to help them with what comes next. The school should continue to develop staff's expertise so that pupils are supported to know more and remember more over time.

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