Brinsworth Whitehill Primary School

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About Brinsworth Whitehill Primary School

Name Brinsworth Whitehill Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Caroline Oxborough
Address Howlett Drive, Brinsworth, Rotherham, S60 5HT
Phone Number 01709828242
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 269
Local Authority Rotherham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders and pupils have set clear expectations for positive behaviour and learning attitudes through 'The Whitehill Way'. Pupils are proud of these standards and aspire to fulfil them.

The school empowers pupils to believe in themselves and to 'dream big'. This language is part of the school culture. Pupils are proud to be part of their school community.

They demonstrate positive learning attitudes.

Relationships between pupils and staff make this school a happy place to be. Pupils are taught that everyone 'is different and special'.

Pupils are respectful and include each other. The environment in school is calm and orderly. Pupils know what bullying... is and know that it is unacceptable.

Bullying is not a problem in this school. Pupil health and well-being ambassadors support other pupils' understanding of how to stay physically and mentally healthy.

The school prioritises opportunities for pupils to broaden their experiences.

Pupils develop their talents and interests by attending clubs and enrichment opportunities during 'golden time'. For example, pupils can learn photography, mindfulness, karate and how to canoe. The school supports pupils to contribute to the local community by raising money for local charities.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have created an ambitious curriculum. They have thought carefully about what they want pupils to know. For example, in art pupils learn about a range of artists and art movements.

Leaders have chosen artists to provide pupils with a diverse and varied exposure to different forms of art. Curriculum plans outline the specific knowledge that pupils need to learn. This knowledge has been broken into small steps of learning.

Teachers start all lessons by revisiting key concepts. This helps pupils to recall knowledge from their past and present learning. As a result, pupils have a deeper understanding of the curriculum.

The school provides effective support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This means that pupils with SEND work alongside their peers to achieve the same learning outcomes. Targets in individual learning plans support pupils to achieve well.

Leaders have developed a culture of reading. Pupils are enthusiastic about the books that they read in school and can discuss their favourite authors. Adults support pupils to develop fluency skills when they have mastered how to read.

Pupils' books are matched to the sounds that they know. Leaders track pupils' progress through the phonics programme. They use this information to identify those pupils who may be falling behind in their reading.

However, the teaching of phonics in some lessons is inconsistent. Some pupils do not have the opportunity to practise the sounds that they know. This limits the progress they make.

Teachers do not use assessment consistently well in all lessons. They do not regularly check what pupils know and can do. This means that some misconceptions are not addressed before pupils move on to new learning.

The early years provides an engaging start to learning. Adults enhance opportunities for engagement in learning. Activities are carefully designed to support children's learning and enjoyment.

Relationships are very positive. Children know class routines well and work cooperatively with each other. The curriculum is well-constructed and becomes more demanding over time.

This prepares children for their next stage of learning. For example, children start by learning how to use pre-made paint and then progress to add white or black paint to create shades. On occasion, some adults miss opportunities to promote vocabulary and to develop children's language and communication skills.

Leaders have created a thorough curriculum for personal, social and health education (PSHE) and relationships and sex education (RSE). Pupils have opportunities to learn through debate and discussion. There are many opportunities for character development.

Leaders have developed a reward system around 'pledges' that encourages pupils to be active citizens, develop life skills and gain cultural experiences. For example, all pupils learn first aid skills. Pupils have a positive influence in school through their roles of responsibility.

The school council has created more effective systems for recycling by reducing the use of plastic.

Governors and trustees have an accurate understanding of the school. They offer strong support and challenge.

Staff, including teachers at the early stage of their careers, feel very proud to be part of the school community. Leaders are supportive of staff well-being. Trust leaders have created a collaborative network across the trust to enhance staff expertise and subject knowledge.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that there is a strong culture of safeguarding at this school. Leaders make sure that all staff understand the potential risks in the community.

They use this knowledge to personalise the curriculum so that pupils learn how to stay safe both online and offline. Leaders make sure that the necessary checks are made on adults who work with pupils. They know their families well and do their best to support them.

Leaders work effectively with outside agencies and demonstrate tenacity in how they successfully achieve support for their pupils. Staff have the knowledge and skills to identify pupils who may be at risk.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some teachers do not consistently check what pupils know and can do.

This means that some misconceptions are not addressed either at the point of learning or afterwards. Leaders should ensure that teachers understand and apply the agreed systems and processes for assessment consistently well. ? Some aspects of phonics teaching lack consistency.

In some lessons, pupils do not have enough opportunities to secure or practise their phonic knowledge. Adults do not provide pupils with the immediate support that they need. Leaders should ensure that the programme for phonics is delivered consistently to enable all pupils to make rapid progress.

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