Broadfield Academy

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About Broadfield Academy

Name Broadfield Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Rebecca Baggaley
Address Windmill Road, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 4BX
Phone Number 01442262103
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 395
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Broadfield Academy enjoy school. Pupils understand and live up to the school's values.

They conduct themselves well in lessons and during playtimes. The school is a calm place where pupils work hard to learn and have fun together.

Pupils are safe at school.

If feeling worried about friendships, pupils know that staff are willing and able to help. Pupils told inspectors that they care for each other, and that bullying is uncommon at the school. When bullying does happen, staff act quickly and make sure that it stops and does not reoccur.

Pupils receive helpful guidance about how to be aware of and manage their emotions. Those pupils who find... managing their emotions difficult receive effective support. This helps them to manage their behaviour well.

Pupils know that learning is important and work hard to reach leaders' high expectations. With pride, pupils told inspectors about their achievements, including the many pupils who achieved the 'gem of the week' award. Pupils learn well at this school and leave ready for their next steps in education.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed an ambitious and well-organised curriculum. Teachers teach the curriculum with well-chosen learning activities. Teachers carefully check what pupils remember and can do.

When pupils misunderstand or forget something they have studied, teachers quickly provide effective support so that pupils do not fall behind.

Reading is taught well. Pupils, from the first moments in the early years, develop a love of and proficiency in reading.

They talk about books with enthusiasm. In the early years, children quickly learn the sounds they need to know. Teachers ensure that pupils read books that are matched to their reading abilities.

Staff quickly identify when pupils find reading difficult, and provide the necessary support so that they can learn to read well and enjoy books. Pupils in the older years read widely and appreciate the new library at the school.

Leaders have high expectations about how pupils behave.

Pupils, including the youngest children in the early years, behave very well. They listen to others and concentrate on what they are learning.

Staff provide pupils with many opportunities to take responsibility for themselves and others.

In Nursery, children enjoy the role of being the special helper and carry out their responsibilities capably. Older pupils take on roles such as being a 'Thriver' with sincerity, and work hard to make positive changes to the school. Pupils discuss maturely the fundamental British values.

They have regular opportunities to reflect on values such as democracy, for example by voting about issues in their classrooms. Staff have prepared pupils well to appreciate the many different lifestyles found in contemporary Britain.

Leaders have ensured that staff focus closely on the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Leaders identify pupils' needs accurately, using external specialists when necessary. Staff adapt the curriculum for pupils where needed. Parents are particularly positive about the work of staff in the additional specialist provision; some parents call it 'transformational' for their child.

This provision helps pupils develop the confidence and strategies they need to learn well at school.

Leaders have worked well with staff to implement necessary improvements. Leaders have been careful to ensure that staff's workload has continued to be reasonable.

Leaders have also taken positive steps to improve communication with parents. This work has not yet had the desired effect for all parents. Some parents feel that leaders do not take sufficient account of parents' views and concerns when they are raised.

In September 2021, leaders changed the leadership structure in the school. Some subject leaders are not yet completely clear about how to carry out their new responsibilities. Some leaders have not been checking with sufficient rigour how well the curriculum is being delivered.

As a result, they have not noticed quickly enough when the curriculum has not been delivered in the way they expect.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are well trained and know the signs of when a pupil is at risk of potential harm.

They respond quickly and appropriately when concerns arise. Leaders work well with external agencies to secure the support that vulnerable pupils need.

Leaders manage very well the records of concerns about vulnerable pupils and supporting actions of staff and external agencies.

They use this information to improve the school's safeguarding practices.

Leaders ensure that background checks are completed on adults at the school to ensure they are appropriate to work with pupils.

Staff teach pupils about the risks they could face in their lives.

Pupils know how to stay safe. They feel confident that they could speak with adults at school when concerned about their safety and well-being.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• School leaders have not been completely clear about their expectations of subject leaders in their new roles.

This has resulted in some subject leaders not carrying out their responsibilities as expected. Leaders do not have sufficient knowledge about how well some aspects of the curriculum are being delivered. Leaders need to clarify subject leaders' responsibilities, so that all leaders and governors have precise and accurate information about how well pupils are faring in their subjects.

• A significant minority of parents expressed dissatisfaction with leaders' processes for dealing with their concerns. This has resulted in some parents feeling that they are not listened to. Leaders need to review how they work with some parents, so that all parents have confidence and understanding in how leaders are addressing their concerns.

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