Brooke Weston Academy

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About Brooke Weston Academy

Name Brooke Weston Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Associate Principal Ms Clare Haworth
Address Coomb Road, Corby, Great Oakley, NN18 8LA
Phone Number 01536396366
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1186
Local Authority North Northamptonshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Brooke Weston Academy is a school that wants the very best for all pupils.

Leaders have a clear and ambitious vision for the school and are determined that pupils will succeed here. The vast majority of pupils enjoy their time at school. They value the warm and professional relationships that they have with their teachers.

This helps them to feel safe and cared for in school.

Staff share consistently high expectations regarding pupils' behaviour and conduct. Pupils understand and endeavour to follow the 'Brooke Weston Way'.

Typically, they behave well and are polite and courteous. The school is calm and purposeful. Incidents of bullying happen rarely....

However, the school takes swift action to resolve these effectively.

The extensive enrichment programme is exemplary. It enables all pupils, including students in the sixth form, to develop their talents and interests.

For example, they participate eagerly in debating, sports leadership, the future medics programme and the Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme. They take on positions of responsibility and leadership through becoming members of the Combined Cadet Force and as student leaders.

Parents and carers appreciate the high aspirations that the school has for all pupils.

A comment typical of many was, 'My child will leave Brooke Weston with memories that will last and an amazing attitude full of aspirations for their future.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

There are high expectations at Brooke Weston Academy for what pupils can achieve. The school has put the English Baccalaureate suite of subjects at the heart of its broad and ambitious curriculum.

Teachers present key concepts well and systematically revisit prior taught content in lessons. This helps pupils to remember the curriculum.

Most staff use assessment effectively so that pupils know more and remember more over time.

However, some teachers do not always check pupils' understanding well enough. This means that a small number of pupils do not have secure prior knowledge when they meet new content. Teaching in the sixth form is effective, and students develop high-quality skills.

They produce work of a consistently high standard.

The needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are expertly identified and shared with staff effectively. The school uses external services and expert staff in school effectively to ensure that pupils with SEND achieve exceptionally well.

Disadvantaged pupils are well cared for.

The school meticulously identifies pupils who find reading difficult. Staff offer swift support through the literacy pathway, so that pupils can become confident and fluent readers.

The school has trained sixth-form mentors to support this.

The vast majority of pupils understand and follow the school's routines well. They are keen to succeed and they behave well in class.

There are some rare instances of behaviours that do not meet the school's high expectations. However, staff act quickly to ensure that sanctions and additional support are in place as required. A very small minority of pupils state that they have heard derogatory language in school.

Sixth-form students demonstrate consistently highly positive and respectful attitudes and a strong commitment to their education.

The school provides effective support for pupils who do not come to school regularly. The Success Centre provides a nurturing environment to help pupils re-engage with education well.

The wider personal development of pupils is a strength of the school. The personal development curriculum builds the knowledge they need to keep themselves safe in the community. They learn about positive relationships, including consent, and about online safety.

Pupils show an understanding of the protected characteristics and what it means to treat people equally. They learn about beliefs and cultures that are different from their own and engage in moral debates on topical issues. Pupils and students in the sixth form experience a wide, rich set of experiences that nurture their talents and interests.

Sixth-form students take on whole-school leadership roles, such as the leader for equality and diversity. These roles teach students why it is important to contribute actively to society.

The school prepares pupils effectively for their next steps.

Staff provide many opportunities for accessing careers advice. This includes the well-attended careers fair, work shadowing and vocational learning. Pupils discuss their aspirations and talents with staff.

The school provides pupils with the necessary skills and experiences towards achieving these.

Governors and trustees have a thorough understanding of the school. They work together effectively to provide direction, challenge and support to school leaders.

Staff professional development is highly valued and a strength of the school. All staff receive highly effective support to develop new or to deepen existing skills and knowledge. Leaders are resolute in their desire to continually improve the school.

Leaders take great care to consider the workload and well-being of staff. Staff are proud and happy to work at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, some staff do not consistently check pupils' prior understanding effectively. As a result, teachers do not ensure that they know that all pupils have secure knowledge and understanding before moving on to new learning. The school should ensure that all teachers use formative assessment consistently well so that pupils are fully ready for new curriculum content.

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