Brookfield Junior Academy

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About Brookfield Junior Academy

Name Brookfield Junior Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Ms Daisy Dunning
Address Lime Grove, Mexborough, S64 8TQ
Phone Number 01709570727
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 267
Local Authority Rotherham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders at Brookfield Junior Academy have a strong commitment to their pupils and to the community. They are ambitious for every pupil.

Staff provide a curriculum that enables pupils to be well prepared for the next stage of their education.

Staff have very high expectations of pupils. Pupils behave well.

In lessons, pupils are engaged and attentive. They move around school calmly. Pupils have positive attitudes to their learning They value the positive relationships that they have with each other and with staff.

This contributes to a positive environment, including a particularly calm and positive atmosphere in the dining hall.

Pupils know ...they can talk to trusted adults if they are worried about anything. They say that there is no bullying but are confident that adults would deal with it if it did happen.

Leaders place a strong emphasis on the importance of equality. Pupils understand differences between people and show respect for protected characteristics, such as disability.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have planned an ambitious curriculum that identifies the important knowledge and vocabulary that pupils need to know in most subjects.

Teachers have good subject knowledge. They use assessment effectively to identify which pupils may need further support and to identify gaps in knowledge. Such assessment works well in areas such as reading.

In some subjects, such as music, the curriculum is less well developed. Teachers do not consistently map out what they want pupils to learn over time and this can contribute to gaps in pupils' understanding.

Where pupils are identified as having special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), staff support them well through appropriate adaptations to the curriculum.

Teachers have received training in supporting pupils with SEND. This helps to ensure that these pupils achieve well.

Leaders ensure that every pupil learns to read well.

Children in early years get off to a good start due to a well-planned phonics programme. Staff are quick to identify children who may be falling behind with reading and they make sure these pupils are supported to keep up. Pupils enjoy reading and talk about their favourite books with enthusiasm.

Leaders know how important it is for pupils to attend school and have prioritised this area. They work closely with families and agencies to improve attendance. Despite these actions, there are still some pupils who do not attend school often enough.

Leaders plan the early years curriculum effectively. They place a strong emphasis on the development of children's communication and language. Children communicate well with each other and adults.

They settle in well and staff support them to establish effective routines. Children are curious and keen to learn. They choose to sit and share books with each other.

There are well-planned activities for children to complete in the classroom that promote writing, reading and mathematics. Children with SEND are supported well by adults who understand their needs.

Pupils have opportunities to enjoy a range of experiences beyond the classroom.

Pupils choose to attend sporting activities and are able to learn guitar. They have opportunities to engage with the wider community through visits to care homes and the church. Visitors to school such as MPs and local councillors help pupils to understand about democracy.

Pupils want to be members of the school council because they know they can make important decisions that will help the school to be a better place. There are opportunities through the personal, social and health education curriculum for pupils to learn about how to manage money and personal finances. Through assemblies and lessons, pupils learn to understand about cultural differences.

Governors know the school well and make frequent visits to monitor the impact of leaders' actions. Governors check that the agreed policies are implemented. They pass on information to trustees, who check that improvements are being made as planned by leaders.

Staff feel well supported and speak highly of the professional development that they have received.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have established a strong culture of safeguarding in the school.

Staff receive regular training and they understand what to do if they are concerned about a pupil. Staff use robust processes to report these concerns. Leaders pick up and act on anything that may mean a pupil needs further support.

Leaders have a secure understanding of the risks that pupils and their families may face. They understand local risks, such as nearby open water and the railway line. The school's curriculum helps pupils learn how to keep themselves and others safe, including the use of technology.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The curriculum is less developed in some areas than in others, particularly in some foundation subjects. This means that pupils do less well in some foundation subjects than they do in mathematics and reading. Leaders need to work with staff to develop the curriculum so that pupils achieve well in all subjects.

• Some pupils do not attend school often enough. They miss too much learning. Leaders need to work with families to ensure that all pupils attend school regularly.

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