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Hill Top, Hampstead Garden Suburb, London, NW11 6EJ
Phone Number
Community school
Age Range
Religious Character
Does not apply
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this school?
Leaders have created a welcoming environment at the school. Staff encourage pupils to build their confidence throughout their time here.
Expectations are high. Parents and carers typically said that teachers develop and challenge pupils in equal measure. This supports pupils to express their own opinions and ideas, and 'be the best that they can be'.
Pupils are positive and enthusiastic about their learning. Teachers resolve any rare incidences of bullying quickly. Pupils are safe.
Teachers, supported by knowledgeable leaders, provide a rich and broad curriculum for pupils. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). ...r/>Leaders have designed a comprehensive personal development programme for pupils.
Staff encourage pupils to be good citizens and care for each other. Pupils express their views through the school council. They visit landmarks such as the Houses of Parliament.
They are taught about risks and how to keep safe online. Leaders organise many clubs for pupils, including jewellery-making, eco club and dance. Pupils are also encouraged to think about future career possibilities and the world of work.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have planned a curriculum that covers the full range of national curriculum subjects. Curriculum thinking is strong in many of them. In many subjects, pupils build on their prior knowledge as they progress through the curriculum.
In these subjects, pupils create high-quality work as they deepen their subject expertise. For example, in mathematics, pupils learn to identify right angles in Year 3. In Year 4, pupils build on this knowledge by learning about acute and obtuse angles.
Finally, pupils apply this knowledge by measuring angles in different contexts.
In a few subjects, curriculum thinking is not as precise. In these subjects, leaders have not isolated the knowledge that pupils need to develop their understanding over time as clearly as they could.
Occasionally, pupils are asked to complete activities that require skills and knowledge that pupils have not yet mastered.
Teachers often check that pupils understand what they have learned. In these instances, teachers check that pupils are secure in their learning before introducing new information.
Staff make sure pupils read widely and often. Pupils typically have a book that they are reading for pleasure in their own time. Leaders use clear systems to identify pupils who need help learning to read, including pupils with SEND.
Pupils new to the school who require help with phonics receive extra support from appropriately trained teachers.Teachers make sure that pupils read books which match the phonics they know, to help them to catch up with their peers. Those that need support improving their fluency and comprehension are also given additional support.
The personal development curriculum is exceptionally well designed. It is extensive and high in quality. Staff run outings throughout the school year and make sure that all pupils take part.
Leaders identify any barriers that may prevent pupils from participating in visits and clubs and provide extra opportunities for these pupils.
Pupils debate sensitive issues maturely during class. They are encouraged to build their understanding of healthy relationships, appropriate boundaries in friendships, and maintaining physical and mental health.
For example, pupils are taught what makes for good friendships in Year 3, and about conflict and mediation in Year 4. In Year 5 they are introduced to the concept of peer pressure and in Year 6 they are taught about respectful relationships, including online.
Leaders have high expectations of pupils' behaviour and attendance.
Pupils typically meet these. They behave sensibly in classes and during break time. Staff praise pupils regularly through the use of the school's rewards policy.
They rapidly correct any misbehaviour. This means that learning time is almost never lost because of bad behaviour.
Staff are very positive about the school and leadership.
They are proud to work at the school and said that leaders do everything that they can do to support the staff's well-being and workload. The governing body knows its statutory duties and carries these out supportively.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders have clear and established systems that help them to identify any pupils who may need support. They also know about any local risks. Leaders provide staff with regular and relevant safeguarding training.
This means that they can accurately recognise and report any concerns to leaders. Leaders provide pupils who need help with prompt support. Leaders work closely with external agencies and closely track pupils' welfare to ensure that they are always safe.
Records of leaders' actions, which are accurate and up to date, are stored in a secure and accessible format.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Curriculum thinking is not consistently strong across all subjects. In a few subjects, the knowledge and content that pupils need to know has not been sufficiently broken down in as much detail as it could.
In these instances, implementation of the curriculum is less strong. Pupils, including pupils with SEND, do not therefore build their knowledge over time as effectively as they could in all subjects. Leaders should isolate and sequence subject-specific knowledge and skills with greater clarity throughout all subject curriculums.