Brunswick Park Primary and Nursery School

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About Brunswick Park Primary and Nursery School

Name Brunswick Park Primary and Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Andy Griffiths
Address Osidge Lane, Southgate, London, N14 5DU
Phone Number 02083683468
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 453
Local Authority Barnet
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders nurture a strong sense of community in the school. Parents and carers typically praised leaders for the school's caring, 'family' community where children have a happy and successful time.

Leaders have high expectations that pupils will learn well and gain a wide range of educational experiences. Pupils are enthusiastic about coming to school because they enjoy learning and playing with their friends. They like the way their teachers help them to learn and to remember interesting and useful knowledge and skills.

Pupils are well prepared for the next stages of their education and life beyond school.

Pupils behave well. In conversations with each other ...and adults, they listened respectfully, discussing different opinions sensibly.

Pupils socialise cheerfully. Incidents of poor behaviour do not happen often. Pupils share any concerns with members of staff, and issues are put right quickly.

Leaders ensure that there is strong support for pupils' emotional well-being. Pupils are safe in school.

Pupils benefit from taking on responsibilities and helping others.

For example, pupil librarians encourage younger pupils to choose books to read, 'mini-experts' run lunchtime clubs, such as the comic, coding and basketball clubs, to share their interests with others, and school councillors organise fundraising activities, including the popular 'sweets-in-the-jar' competition.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have structured a well-sequenced curriculum across all subjects that matches the breadth of the national curriculum. Subject leaders know their curriculum areas well.

They have identified the key content they expect pupils to learn. Teachers know and follow leaders' expectations, so that pupils gain knowledge and skills towards ambitious end-points. Teachers follow routines that help pupils remember what they have learned previously before they move on to more demanding work.

Leaders have strong subject knowledge and support teachers to use questioning that extends pupils' thinking skilfully. Teachers encourage pupils, and children in early years, to use more sophisticated vocabulary. Teachers make clear links between subjects that help pupils' learning, for example to explain how a word may have a different meaning depending on the context in which it is used, such as differences in the meaning of the word 'volume' in mathematics, science and music.

Educational outings reinforce and enrich pupils' learning.

Occasionally, teachers' delivery of the curriculum, including in the use of resources, does not enable pupils to learn the key knowledge and skills as well as leaders intend. In a few subjects, teachers' checks on pupils' recall of previously learned knowledge do not identify precisely any gaps in their learning.

Leaders have rapidly introduced a new scheme for teaching early reading. Children in early years swiftly become familiar with the routines and approaches to learning phonics. Leaders ensure that staff have a consistent approach and use resources effectively, so that pupils develop reading fluency.

Leaders take great care to check that pupils read books that enable them to practise reading the sounds they have learned. Regular communication between staff who teach phonics enables leaders to identify pupils who are behind in reading and need additional help. Pupils receive targeted support to help them catch up.

Leaders encourage pupils to read widely. Pupils take part in national reading competitions and help staff to choose high-quality texts to purchase for the school's library. In early years, staff run workshops for parents to support them in helping their children's reading at home.

Staff in early years set aside time for parents to come into school to read a story to their child.

Leaders place great importance on ensuring that all pupils have the same opportunities as others and that all pupils have equal opportunities to learn the same curriculum. Leaders ensure that staff are trained to identify pupils who may have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Leaders make sure that staff have the guidance and resources to meet the needs of pupils with SEND.

The school's personal, social and health education programme covers wide-ranging themes that promote pupils' growing independence, decision-making skills and confidence. Older pupils are taught about finance and money management as they consider budgeting for school outings and special events.

Leaders prioritise the integration of the school's values, such as well-being, kindness and determination, through all aspects of pupils' experience of school. Through physical education (PE) and sports clubs, pupils are encouraged to value teamwork and to understand the importance of positive relationships and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Staff value the support they receive from leaders.

They appreciate the training and professional development opportunities that leaders provide, including working with colleagues in the federation and external partners and professional associations. Subject leaders benefit from ongoing support from senior leaders to further develop their roles. Staff did not express concerns about their workload and felt that leaders are supportive.

The governing body is in regular communication with leaders and is familiar with the work of the school. The members of the governing body receive training to ensure that they know and fulfil their statutory responsibilities.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that they and staff are suitably trained, so that all are up to date with the latest requirements. Leaders and staff know the right processes to follow if they have any concerns. Staff are alert to the least sign that a child might be at risk from harm.

Leaders are aware of local safeguarding concerns. They go to great lengths to help pupils and families receive the support they need and communicate closely and frequently with outside agencies.

The curriculum teaches pupils about keeping safe in a range of situations, including when online.

Staff encourage pupils to speak out if they feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Occasionally, leaders do not ensure that teachers' delivery of the curriculum develops the precise knowledge and skills that leaders intend pupils to learn. Pupils then do not learn all the key content that leaders expect pupils to know, remember and build up.

Leaders should ensure that teachers' planning and delivery of the curriculum prioritise pupils' learning of the intended subject content. ? On occasion, checks on pupils' learning are not routinely effective at identifying gaps in pupils' recall of key subject content. Leaders should continue their work to ensure that gaps in learning are consistently identified and addressed by teachers.

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