Bullers Wood School

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About Bullers Wood School

Name Bullers Wood School
Website http://www.bwsgirls.org
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Simon Hardwick
Address St Nicolas Lane, Logs Hill, Chislehurst, BR7 5LJ
Phone Number 02084672280
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 1578
Local Authority Bromley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders are determined that all pupils, whatever their starting point, succeed academically. Pupils typically achieve very well in a wide range of subjects and, as a result, are well prepared for the next stage of their education, employment or training. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) follow the same ambitious curriculum as their peers.

However, some do not consistently receive the support they need to achieve as well as they could.

The school's warm and friendly ethos is reflected in pupils' excellent behaviour and highly positive relationships with each other and with staff. Pupils show respect in lessons and when moving around the ...school site.

Bullying is not tolerated, and staff are vigilant. Pupils, and students in the sixth form, are happy and kept safe in school. They trust staff to help them if they have any concerns.

The school has a well-established personal development curriculum that supports pupils to develop confidence and resilience. The school promotes equality of opportunity and diversity, for example through Culture Day and the celebration of Black History Month. Students in the sixth form quickly develop as independent learners.

They are encouraged to take on leadership responsibility and to act as role models, for example as reading mentors for younger pupils.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed a highly ambitious curriculum. Pupils in key stage 3, including those with SEND, study a broad range of subjects.

By the end of key stage 4, most pupils achieve well and fulfil the requirements of the English Baccalaureate. Students in the sixth form are provided with a well-rounded experience that prepares them well for the next stage of their education, employment or training.

Subject leaders have thought carefully about the curriculum content they want pupils to know and remember and the order in which it is taught.

This helps teachers to draw on pupils' previous learning when tackling new ideas. For example, in English, pupils are able to draw upon prior knowledge in their use of quotations. They can make connections between different texts they have studied.

Grammar is precisely taught, and teachers encourage the use of subject-specific terminology. Similarly, in mathematics, learning builds and progresses from previous topics. For example, pupils use their knowledge of shapes and angles taught in Year 7 to calculate external and interior angles of regular polygons in Year 8.

Leaders have considered how to enhance pupils' cultural development when designing the curriculum. For example, in art, pupils study a wide range of artists and artistic movements from around the world.

Assessment is used well to check what pupils can do and identify those who may need extra help.

Teachers swiftly identify and address common misconceptions. However, in some instances, the tasks and activities pupils complete do not always match the ambition of the planned curriculum. For example, pupils are not consistently expected to explain their learning and think more deeply.

This limits some pupils' depth of understanding. Leaders have recognised this and put in place a professional development programme for staff to address this issue.

The school ensures that all pupils read regularly and have access to a well-stocked library.

This helps them to develop their vocabulary and a love of reading. Pupils who cannot read well enough get the support they need to catch up.

The provision for pupils with SEND is improving.

Many of these pupils benefit from a personalised approach that is focused on their particular needs. However, the needs of some pupils with SEND are not always well considered when adapting the curriculum. The school recognises that pupils with SEND have not always received the support planned for them.

Leaders are improving the training and information teachers receive to support these pupils.

Pupils, and students in the sixth form, are supportive and respectful of each other. Routines and expectations are in place which lead to a calm and purposeful learning environment.

Pupils are focused, engaged and participate well in lessons. Attendance is high and systems for improving this further are well established.

The school has developed a broad programme of wider opportunities that focus on well-being, building resilience and fostering a sense of community.

There are several opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests, including in competitive sports. Pupils understand how to look after their physical and mental health and learn how to keep themselves safe.

Staff, including early career teachers, feel that their workload and well-being have been carefully considered by leaders.

They value the many opportunities to improve their professional practice. Knowledgeable governors provide highly effective challenge and support to school leaders, for example through regular monitoring visits.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Over time, pupils with SEND have not consistently received the specific support they need. As a result, some pupils' needs have not been appropriately met and they have not secured the knowledge they need to progress through the curriculum. The school should ensure that training and information are provided so that the needs of pupils are fully considered when making adaptations to activities.

In some instances, the tasks pupils complete do not consistently match the ambition of the planned curriculum. This means that pupils do not fully develop the depth of understanding they need to tackle future learning. The school should ensure that the curriculum is implemented with consistent ambition.

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