Burntwood School

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About Burntwood School

Name Burntwood School
Website http://www.burntwoodschool.com/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Helen Shorrock
Address Burntwood Lane, London, SW17 0AQ
Phone Number 02089466201
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 1539
Local Authority Wandsworth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school School leaders and the governing body are ambitious for the school and its pupils.

They have created a culture of high aspirations and designed a learning environment to support this. Teachers share this vision and have secure subject knowledge. They usually design interesting and challenging activities that ensure pupils make good progress across a range of subject areas.

The school prioritises the improvement of literacy. Staff and pupils believe that this is essential to allow 'access to the curriculum'. The most able pupils make particularly strong progress because lessons are interesting.

The promotion of pupils' social, mor...al, spiritual and cultural development is a strength. The school is dedicated to creating a culture of respect and harmony in this diverse learning environment. Pupils show tolerance towards each other's beliefs, cultures and faiths.

They work hard, have high aspirations for future employment and are proud of their school. The sixth form is good. Many students make good progress and move successfully to the next stage of their education or training.

The governing body has an accurate understanding of the school's strengths and areas that need further developing. They understand the risks faced by pupils in the wider community, and monitor carefully that safeguarding procedures at the school are effective. It is not yet an outstanding school because : Although attendance is improving, a minority of pupils do not attend school as regularly as they should.

Sometimes, the work set for pupils identified as underachieving does not match their needs and progress is too slow.

Information about this school

Burntwood School is a larger-than-average 11–19 secondary school with approximately 426 students in the sixth form. In the main school all pupils are female.

Almost one in 10 of the sixth form students are male. Just under half of pupils are known to be eligible for the pupil premium, which is above average. This government funding is used to support pupils who are eligible for free school meals or who are looked after by the local authority.

The majority of pupils are from minority ethnic backgrounds. The largest groups are pupils from any other white background, any other mixed background, Indian, Pakistani, any other Asian background, Black Caribbean and Black African. The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is above average.

The proportion of pupils who receive special educational needs support is below the national average. The proportion of those pupils with a statement of special educational needs or disability or with an education, health and care plan is just below the national average. Pupils enter Year 7 with attainment that is in line with the national average.

The school meets the government's current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress. The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website. A small number of pupils attend local alternative provision at Jus 'T' Learn, Road to Success and Jace.

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