Bursledon Junior School(CA)

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About Bursledon Junior School(CA)

Name Bursledon Junior School(CA)
Website http://www.bursledonschools.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mrs Emma Elliott
Address Long Lane, Bursledon, Southampton, SO31 8BZ
Phone Number 02380402869
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 334
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thoroughly enjoy coming to this kind and inclusive school. The school's values of 'love', 'respect' and 'aspire' permeate throughout. Staff help pupils understand the rules of the school in a fun way.

Phrases like 'wonderful walking' help pupils understand how to conduct themselves around the school.

Following a positive transition from infant school, pupils enjoy learning interesting knowledge and skills across all subjects. They know staff have high expectations of what they can do and achieve.

Pupils are encouraged to take part in many aspects of school life. This includes participating in a range of trips and clubs, including residential visits. Pu...pils also take part in valued community events, such as reading poetry at a recent memorial service for Queen Elizabeth II.

The behaviour of the majority of pupils is very positive. However, on occasion, learning can be disrupted by a small number of pupils who find it more difficult to manage their behaviour. Leaders know this and are providing support to help everyone learn.

Pupils appreciate this and show thoughtful care for their classmates. As one pupil commented, 'We help in class and outside with our friends. We calm people down and look after them like mums and dads.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are ambitious for every pupil. The curriculum pupils receive is broad and balanced. Leaders, at all levels, have improved the teaching expertise of staff.

An example of this is in mathematics. Here, teachers can follow clear curriculum planning that means pupils carefully build their mathematical skills and knowledge. Pupils are positive about their learning and are keen to share their understanding and apply this to the 'Big Problem' in each topic.

Leaders want every pupil to be a confident reader. A strong culture of reading for pleasure is embedded across the school. Pupils become more fluent because the books they read are well matched to their stage of reading.

Leaders prioritise support for pupils who find reading more difficult. This is helping them catch up with their peers.

In the foundation subjects, leaders have thought carefully about how they organise the learning of key knowledge.

In subjects such as physical education, each unit helps pupils to build their understanding of the skills needed to play different sports. However, as yet, teachers are not regularly checking that pupils remember what has been taught. Consequently, pupils may not always be ready and confident to move on to new learning.

Leaders consider the needs of all pupils with care. Pupils are profoundly appreciative of the support given. Additional behaviour or pastoral support is put in place for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) as well as those from disadvantaged backgrounds who may need this.

Comprehensive individual plans identify the specific support required to ensure all pupils can learn well.

Behaviour in class and around the school is largely respectful. Where pupils need additional, specialised support with their behaviour, leaders seek support from external agencies.

In addition, ongoing training in school is focused on carefully applying the school's behaviour policy and providing the support outlined in behaviour plans. Leaders know there is more to do to ensure a consistent approach to ensure all pupils can learn calmly and confidently.

The school's provision for pupils' wider development is a strength.

Pupils develop a genuine sense of inclusion, including a strong spiritual and cultural understanding of the world in which they live. Pupils appreciate having the opportunity to think in mature and considered ways. They value the opportunity for thoughtful and relevant debates such as 'Should we ever forgive war?' Pupils fondly remember many experiences beyond the classroom.

There are a range of visits and visitors which add depth to the curriculum, such as a history trip to Hampton Court.

Leaders provide opportunities to support staff with their workload and well-being. The governing body is diligent in giving support and challenging leaders as they continue to improve the education at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The school has well-established practices to safeguard pupils. All staff receive appropriate training that ensures any concerns are reported without delay.

Senior staff consider and implement the appropriate action. Referrals to outside agencies ensure pupils, who may be at risk of harm, receive much-needed support. Leaders maintain detailed safeguarding records and complete all necessary pre-employment checks.

The school's personal, social and health education curriculum provides the pupils with a good understanding of how to stay safe both in everyday situations and online. The older pupils demonstrate a mature approach when talking about how to stay mentally and physically healthy.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• A small number of pupils, who find it more difficult to manage their behaviour, do not always get the consistent support they need.

This means there are times when learning is disrupted. Leaders need to continue to seek and provide the specific support to ensure all pupils have what they need to learn well. This includes working with staff within school as well as accessing further guidance and expertise from external agencies.

• Within the foundation subjects, teachers do not consistently check whether pupils have learned the intended curriculum. Consequently, pupils cannot confidently link prior learning and apply this to what they learn next. Leaders need to ensure that teachers have the knowledge and expertise to consistently assess what pupils know and remember across the curriculum.

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