Burtonwood Community Primary School

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About Burtonwood Community Primary School

Name Burtonwood Community Primary School
Website http://www.burtonwoodcp.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Jason Heatley
Address Green Lane, Burtonwood, Warrington, WA5 4AQ
Phone Number 01925224072
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 210
Local Authority Warrington
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils feel safe and happy in this school. They have a clear understanding of what constitutes bullying. On the occasions when bullying occurs, leaders deal with it swiftly and effectively.

Pupils live up to leaders' high expectations for their behaviour. They show respect for other pupils and for staff. In the main, pupils are attentive during lessons and they play together cooperatively at breaktimes.

They have a strong sense of what is fair, and what is right and wrong. They also know that people are individuals and that differences between them make them special.

Leaders have high expectations of pupils' achievement.

Pupils achieve well across a ...range of subjects and they enjoy learning.

Pupils spoke with pride about their learning and they appreciate the many trips and residential visits that staff provide. They told inspectors that these experiences help them to grow in confidence and to try out new things.

Pupils are keen to take on extra responsibilities such as becoming anti-bullying ambassadors and they want to make a difference to their school. They are eager to live up to the school's motto that they have created: 'one team, one goal – excellence'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have thought carefully about the knowledge that they want pupils to acquire as they move through the school.

Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum. They have identified what they want pupils to learn and they have ordered subject knowledge logically. This enables pupils to make connections between what they know already and new learning.

This supports them to gain a secure body of knowledge over time. Pupils achieve well.

Teachers are equipped to deliver subject curriculums skilfully.

They present new information with clarity and they provide pupils with regular opportunities to revisit prior knowledge. Staff make regular checks on what pupils know and remember from earlier learning. Teachers use this information well to address pupils' misconceptions swiftly.

Leaders have recently reviewed the early years curriculum to ensure that children's learning is carefully organised. In the main, children progress well through the curriculum. However, leaders have not ensured that some staff have sufficient expertise to deliver aspects of the early years curriculum.

For example, from time to time, some children do not get sufficient opportunities to practise and consolidate earlier knowledge.

Leaders have placed a high priority on making sure that pupils learn to read fluently and accurately. Children begin learning phonics as soon as they start in the Reception class.

Leaders have made sure that staff have received sufficient training in the teaching of phonics and early reading. This means that staff are suitably equipped to deliver the phonics curriculum with confidence. Staff make sure that the books that pupils read are matched closely to the sounds that they have been taught.

If pupils struggle to keep up with the phonics programme, staff are quick to step in and provide extra help. As a result, pupils read with confidence and fluency.

Many older pupils enjoy reading for pleasure.

However, leaders have not ensured that some staff encourage pupils to read a broad enough range of high-quality texts.

Pupils are respectful and they engage positively with each other. During lessons, they can learn without disruption.

Staff know pupils well. They work closely with parents, carers and external agencies to identify the additional needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) in a timely manner. These pupils are supported well by staff to learn the same curriculum as their peers.

Pupils with SEND progress well through the curriculum.

Leaders provide a broad range of opportunities to support pupils' wider development. For example, pupils enjoy learning about different cultures and religions.

They know that everyone is equal regardless of the differences between people. Leaders afford opportunities for pupils to develop their longer-term ambitions, such as taking on some of the responsibilities of different staff in the school during a 'take over day'.

Governors and trustees are highly committed to the school.

They have an accurate view of the quality of education for pupils. They understand leaders' priorities for further improvement and they make regular checks on the progress that leaders make in these areas.

Staff appreciate the support and training that leaders provide for them.

Most staff feel that leaders' decisions have had a positive impact on their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders make sure that staff know what they should do to keep pupils safe and that they understand their safeguarding responsibilities.

Leaders ensure that staff benefit from regular and appropriate training. This helps them to recognise the signs that may indicate concerns about a pupil's well-being.

Leaders respond swiftly to safeguarding concerns and they work closely with other agencies to secure support for vulnerable pupils.

Leaders keep accurate and sufficiently detailed safeguarding records.

Pupils learn about different ways to keep themselves safe. For example, they learn about road safety, staying safe online and looking after their physical health.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Leaders have not ensured that some staff encourage pupils to read a wide enough range of high-quality books and texts. This prevents some pupils from developing the vocabulary that they need. Leaders should ensure that staff promote and encourage pupils to read widely and often.

• Leaders have not ensured that some staff have sufficient expertise to deliver aspects of the early years curriculum as well as they intend. This means that some children do not have enough opportunities to practise and embed their learning. Leaders should improve staff's knowledge of learning in the early years so that they are well equipped to support children to learn well across the curriculum.

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