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From the start of Reception, pupils learn how to be kind and care for each other. They understand the importance of valuing each other's differences. In classrooms and on the playground, all pupils are fully included in the opportunities to learn and play at school.
Pupils value learning. They delight in acquiring new ideas and skills. Pupils proudly share their achievements with others.
They live up to the school's high expectations of what pupils can learn.
Pupils benefit from the school's positive, 'can-do' culture. They work diligently together and support each other well when faced with something tricky to learn....
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive the support they need to learn and play alongside their peers as equal parts of this welcoming school community.
The school prepares pupils well for the next stage in their education and for life in the wider world. Pupils learn how to be responsible members of a community through acts of service, such as singing at a local care home.
The school provides a wide array of clubs and enrichment opportunities alongside the curriculum. Pupils, including all disadvantaged pupils, enjoy participating in these clubs.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Since the previous inspection, the school's efforts to improve the curriculum have made positive differences to pupils' learning.
Curriculum plans, including in Reception, are well organised and clearly outline the specific knowledge teachers must ensure pupils learn. Teachers, supported by well-trained additional adults, deliver the curriculum consistently well. They follow the school's curriculum plans and ensure that pupils learn knowledge in a sensible order to avoid confusion.
Teachers also provide pupils with lots of opportunities to review what has been taught. Teachers check what pupils know and can do and provide effective support when pupils forget or misunderstand something.
On occasion, in some subjects, staff unknowingly teach misconceptions because they are not as secure with their subject knowledge.
This results in pupils having a less well-developed understanding of certain areas of the curriculum. Leaders' improvement plans have started to address the issues.
Since the previous inspection, leaders have improved the school's approach to teaching reading.
When reading stories, staff precisely model how to read aloud with expression. Staff also help pupils to develop sophisticated vocabulary. In Reception, staff deliver the school's reading scheme effectively, so children learn the basics of early reading.
In key stage 1, pupils become confident and capable readers. Staff have effective measures in place to support pupils who find reading hard so that they do not fall behind. Pupils enjoy reading the high-quality books available at the school and share book recommendations with their peers.
Staff swiftly and accurately identify the needs of pupils with SEND. Leaders work well with external specialists to devise support for these pupils. Leaders give staff effective guidance and training to enable them to provide what these pupils need.
Staff work with determination and expertise to remove potential barriers and include these pupils within all aspects of the curriculum. These pupils learn well and enjoy being at school.
Staff routines in lessons and the ethos of the school ensure that pupils work hard, free from disruptive behaviour.
At times, however, some pupils, and children in Reception, lose concentration without staff noticing. This means that parts of lessons for these pupils are less productive than they could be.
The school has effective measures in place to support pupils to maintain regular attendance at school.
This academic year, the school has improved attendance markedly. Although the rate of persistent absence remains high, the school's actions are improving the situation.
The school prepares pupils well for life in modern Britain.
Pupils speak confidently about the different faiths they have studied. They also know the importance of respecting others' beliefs and lifestyles. The school has ensured that pupils know how to maintain healthy lifestyles, physically and mentally.
Pupils have an age-appropriate understanding of relationships.
Leaders have won the confidence of parents, staff and pupils. Parents share effusive praise about the work of leaders and staff.
Staff are proud to work at the school. Staff also agreed that leaders support staff well-being and help staff to maintain reasonable workload.
Since the previous inspection, governors have improved their work.
They have an accurate understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the school. Using precise information about the school's quality, governors hold leaders to account for their work effectively.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• At times, staff teach misconceptions. Consequently, pupils have less well-developed understanding of parts of the curriculum. The school must ensure that staff have the subject knowledge they need to plan and deliver the entire curriculum free from misconceptions and with an appropriate level of sophistication.
• Occasionally, some pupils, and children in Reception, lose concentration when they should be learning. As a result, they are not as productive as they could be. Staff must ensure that they keep pupils, and children in Reception, focused on learning as much as possible.