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Pupils have a keen and genuine interest in learning.
They thrive in this safe and welcoming school, where all pupils are expected to achieve their best. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive the support and guidance they need to be successful.
All pupils benefit from the aspirational curriculum that is enriched with purposeful and relevant experiences.
Pupils behave exceptionally well. They are respectful and friendly towards each other and adults. Pupils are not afraid to take risks in their learning.
The school is highly effective in ensuring that pupils attend school regularly. This is because pupils, parents and... carers value the high-quality education here.
Pupils learn the importance of valuable character traits such as compassion and collaboration.
This ensures that pupils are well prepared for the next stage of education and life in modern Britain. Many pupils shared high aspirations for their future occupations, such as becoming doctors, teachers and engineers. This is a community that is proud of its school and the difference it makes to the lives of the pupils and their families.
Pupils, staff and parents are extremely proud to be a 'Bygrovian'.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has designed a curriculum with clearly defined end points. Leaders have broken down key content in all subjects, which helps all pupils to learn crucial knowledge and skills.
The school works closely with the experts within the trust in providing an exceptionally systematic programme of professional development for staff. This is realised through high-quality coaching and research, as well as intensive training.
Teachers build on pupils' understanding with increasing complexity over time.
For example, in history, pupils build a wealth of knowledge about historical concepts through themes such as lifestyle, architecture and legacy. They use a range of historical sources to interpret information and make comparisons. This includes the examination of authentic artefacts when visiting museums and places of interest.
Teachers adjust teaching to cater to the range of pupils in the class. They identify pupils' individual needs carefully. Adults use resources to model new content with all pupils skilfully.
As a result, pupils with SEND are well supported in accessing and achieving the high ambitions of the curriculum.
Teachers skilfully use a variety of techniques to deliver the curriculum with consistency. They reinforce and revisit key content that pupils have been taught.
This means that pupils build deep subject-specific knowledge and understanding. Staff check pupils' understanding of important knowledge regularly. They ensure that pupils build on their prior learning very well.
For example, in mathematics, pupils applied their understanding of place value to solve different problems involving fractions. Children in the Nursery learn to recognise numbers and use resources to make different combinations of number bonds. Staff make sure that children are highly motivated to learn, such as when making bird seed cakes.
The school places great emphasis on fostering a love for reading. Teachers model reading daily during story times, using carefully selected books and rich texts. Children in Reception learn to retell stories and use books to rehearse the sounds they are taught.
Pupils show high levels of perseverance and resilience when faced with challenging words. Adults skilfully prompt and encourage pupils to segment and blend sounds when reading aloud. Pupils at risk of falling behind are supported to develop their fluency.
This enables pupils to become confident readers.
Pupils know and follow routines extremely well. Children in Reception demonstrate high self-control.
Learning goes interrupted because pupils concentrate on their learning and teachers make learning exciting. The school is unwavering in making sure pupils' attendance is high.
The school places strong emphasis on developing pupils' physical and mental health.
Pupils show maturity in using a range of strategies in solving minor disagreements or calming themselves down when frustrated. Staff encourage all pupils to learn about the importance of equality of opportunity. They help pupils to learn about a wide range of significant people from diverse backgrounds that have contributed to society.
The school enjoys celebrating differences and diversity. Pupils feel valued and respected. They understand that discrimination of any kind is not tolerated.
Staff feel valued and appreciated, irrespective of their role. Strong partnerships between staff in the trust and beyond enables staff to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Those responsible for governance have a thorough understanding of the school.
Leaders at all levels are diligent in fulfilling their duties. They are constantly seeking ways to refine the school's offer in their unwavering commitment to providing the very best education for all.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.