Caedmon Community Primary School

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About Caedmon Community Primary School

Name Caedmon Community Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Clive Wisby
Address Whitehall Road, Gateshead, NE8 4LH
Phone Number 01914334095
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 253
Local Authority Gateshead
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive in this wonderfully inclusive school. They are particularly accepting of others, with respect at the heart of the school's ethos. This is evident in the strong relationships between staff and pupils.

Pupils are nurtured and supported to be the best they can be. This helps them to feel happy and safe in school.

The school sets high expectations for all pupils and is ambitious for their future successes.

The 'six Rs' (respectful, responsible, resilient, ready, resourceful and reflective) are attributes to which pupils aspire. Older pupils embrace the responsibilities bestowed on them. All of them fulfil the role as prefects.

The importanc...e of being a good role model for younger children is instilled in them. They do not disappoint.

Pupils behave well.

They understand the importance of good manners and of consideration for others. They listen attentively in class and are keen to talk about their work. Incidents of inappropriate behaviour are rare.

Pupils are adamant that bullying does not happen here. They are equally confident that if it were to happen, it would be sorted immediately.

Playtimes are harmonious.

There is plenty to do. The school's pupil councillors offer suggestions for improvement. They are listened to.

They are particularly proud of the new playground surface they helped to commission.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school works hard to develop an ambitious curriculum that reflects the high aspirations it has for its pupils. Commercial schemes and bespoke plans are carefully blended to make this happen.

Leaders maintain strong oversight. They are continuously looking at ways to strengthen and improve their plans.

In all subjects, curriculum plans from Years 1 to 6 identify the important knowledge pupils must learn.

Key knowledge is sequenced carefully, so that pupils know and remember more. Likewise, the early years curriculum identifies the essential knowledge for all areas of learning. Such knowledge is mapped out to build children's understanding step by step.

However, in some subjects, the essential knowledge identified in the early years curriculum does not fully align with that identified in wider curriculum plans. For example, the essential knowledge and key vocabulary identified in science plans for seasonal change differ between curriculums. This hinders some children's readiness for learning in Year 1.

Reading is at the heart of all curriculum plans. The school prioritises it, investing heavily in reading stock. There is always a rich selection of books available for pupils to read for pleasure.

The school looks for creative ways to encourage this. The 'Golden Bag' is awarded to one lucky pupil from each class every week. Its contents are designed to make reading pleasurable.

Aside from the selection of well-chosen books, a fleece blanket, hot chocolate and special treats certainly do the trick.

Early reading is taught effectively and consistently. As a result, increasing numbers of pupils successfully attain the phonics screening check.

Pupils practise their reading with books that are well matched to their phonics knowledge. Any pupil in need of extra support receives it straightaway.

Good-quality stories and texts are also used as a stimulus for writing.

Pupils study a range of writing styles and develop a secure understanding of audience and purpose. Pupils' writing develops well. Work in their English books shows an increasing command of grammatical structures.

However, this is not replicated when pupils write in other subjects. Here, pupils' writing is more variable and does not meet leaders' expectations.

The pastoral care given to pupils is exemplary.

The school wraps arms of support and encouragement around every pupil. Personal development is well considered. Particularly noteworthy are the efforts made to raise pupils' aspirations.

Every opportunity is taken to explore the world of work and to engage pupils in considering future pathways.

The early identification of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is highly effective. It leads to timely support and intervention.

Careful adaptation of curriculum plans enables pupils with SEND to access learning at an appropriate level. Personal targets pinpoint pupils' next steps in learning with precision.

The school's actions are improving pupils' attendance.

The number of pupils who are persistently absent is reducing markedly. This is very pleasing and is testimony to the tenacity of school leaders.

Governors know the school well.

They ensure that staff are well trained to be alert to the risks pupils may face and how to report these. They use their skills wisely to both support and challenge the work of the school. They are, rightly, proud of the school's achievements.

Parents and carers speak highly of the school. They value all that staff do to help and support them.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school has not yet securely and consistently aligned the early years and whole-school curriculums. This means that, in some subjects, some pupils are not as well prepared for the Year 1 curriculum as they could be. Leaders need to strengthen this aspect of curriculum planning, so that all pupils are equipped with the essential, foundational understanding needed in all subjects and are ready for their next steps in learning.

• The quality of pupils' writing in subjects across the curriculum is variable and does not match that seen in English. This means that important opportunities to consolidate learning and deepen pupils' understanding of writing for different subjects are lost. Leaders need to ensure that pupils' writing in all subjects is consistent with the high standards expected in English lessons.

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