Callow End CofE Primary School

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About Callow End CofE Primary School

Name Callow End CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Sarah Wilkinson
Address Upton Road, Worcester, WR2 4TE
Phone Number 01905830337
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 93
Local Authority Worcestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils say that school is fun. They enjoy learning new things.

They also like that because it is a small school, they know everyone. Pupils feel safe because staff look after them well. They feel confident to talk to an adult if they are worried about anything.

Pupils are polite and respectful to other pupils, staff and visitors. They understand adults' high expectations of their work and behaviour. Pupils of all ages meet these expectations.

They work hard and most achieve well, particularly in reading. As behaviour is good in lessons, pupils can concentrate and get on with their work without any disruptions.

The school's strong Christian ethos sets... the tone for treating others with respect and kindness.

Pupils understand and appreciate diversity and equality. They know that discrimination in all forms is wrong and unacceptable. They welcome pupils from different countries and backgrounds and make them feel at home.

Staff forge positive, caring relationships with pupils and families. This adds to the community feel of the school. Parents appreciate the approachability and support provided.

Staff are also positive about the school. All are proud to work there.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is broad and ambitious.

In the main, it supports pupils' learning well, particularly in English and mathematics. Leaders have identified and ordered the information that they expect pupils to learn in most subjects. However, in a small number of subjects, leaders have yet to establish a well-planned curriculum.

In these subject areas, pupils do not learn the core knowledge that is needed to build future learning. This is partly because, as a small school, teachers have several subjects to cover. Some are new to their leadership roles.

They have yet to have the support and release time needed to check the effectiveness of all subjects fully.

Teachers regularly check how well pupils understand what they are learning during lessons. This allows them to provide extra help and equipment for those who need it.

However, systems to check what pupils know and remember long term are less well established. This means staff do not identify where important concepts have been forgotten. Consequently, it prevents some pupils making connections between past and future learning.

Staff in the pre-school and Reception class work closely together. As a result, the early years curriculum has been well thought through. It provides continuity and progression for both age groups.

There is a strong focus on developing children's language and vocabulary. Exciting activities enable children to be active, curious and independent learners. For example, staff make good use of the woodland area to maximise children's physical development.

Children enjoy climbing, digging and painting in a safe and well-supervised outdoor environment.

Leaders fully recognise the importance of reading. It has been a key priority for the school, and it has paid off.

Pupils achieve highly in phonics and reading. The phonics programme lays strong foundations for the reading curriculum. Suitable training has been provided for all staff to ensure phonics is taught consistently well.

Reading books match the sounds that pupils know. Staff prioritise pupils with weaker reading skills for extra help, so they catch up quickly. Leaders have also invested heavily in a range of high-quality texts for older pupils.

These capture pupils' interests and enhance their reading skills.

There are effective systems in place to identify pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders ensure that these pupils are well supported in lessons.

Teachers make appropriate adaptations to the delivery of the curriculum, where needed. They select resources carefully to meet pupils' individual needs. Those with more complex and specific needs receive specialist support from external professionals.

Staff work closely with pupils and parents. They set appropriate targets to help pupils achieve as well as they should.

There is a strong programme for personal, social and health education.

Pupils learn about differences between people, including those of different faiths. They learn about healthy relationships and changes to their body as they grow up.

Older pupils regularly support younger pupils.

They also readily take on other roles and responsibilities at school, such as librarians or playground monitors. Pupils enjoy the wider opportunities beyond the classroom that the school offers. These include gardening and rounders clubs, school plays, residential visits and fundraising activities.

The trust and governors provide a good balance of support and challenge for leaders. They are mindful of staff workload and keep a regular check on their well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders' thorough arrangements ensure that pupils are kept safe. All staff are fully trained to recognise pupils who are at risk of harm. They report any concerns quickly.

Leaders act swiftly to seek advice and support to protect pupils, where necessary. Leaders carry out robust recruitment checks for all staff and adults who work at the school.

Staff teach pupils about how to keep themselves safe, including when online.

Pupils are taught about the importance of not sharing personal information or communicating with strangers. Pupils also learn about road, fire and water safety to keep themselves safe when they are not at school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• A small number of subjects are not yet coherently planned and well sequenced.

As a result, pupils struggle to build successfully on their prior learning. Leaders should ensure that subject leaders have the skills and support needed to ensure that the curriculum in all subjects meets the needs of pupils in every age group. Leaders should also ensure that staff monitor their subject areas and evaluate the impact on pupil achievement.

• Leaders have not developed a consistent system to assess how well pupils recall and retain what they learn. This means that gaps in pupils' knowledge are not identified and rectified. Leaders should ensure that there are effective systems in place to check the retention of pupils' knowledge and understanding in all subjects.

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