Cannon Lane Primary School

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About Cannon Lane Primary School

Name Cannon Lane Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Martin Belfrage
Address Cannonbury Avenue, Pinner, HA5 1TS
Phone Number 02088663536
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 772
Local Authority Harrow
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy the school's warm and welcoming community atmosphere. Right from the start of the Reception Year, staff make sure that they get to know every child and their family.

This supports the school in meeting pupils' academic and welfare needs. Pupils and adults have very strong, respectful and trusting relationships. Pupils feel safe and value the care and support that the school gives them.

They grow in confidence and develop a set of values that prepare them extremely well for future success and active citizenship.

The school has extremely high ambitions for pupils' achievements. Pupils thrive academically across subjects as they progress through the... school's curriculum.

They gain a great deal of knowledge and a deep understanding. This prepares them exceptionally well for the next stages of their education.

In lessons and at social times, pupils behave in a very mature manner.

Pupils take a proactive role in fostering a well-mannered culture. For example, pupils are selected to become ambassadors who promote respectful conduct in school. These ambassadors identify and present certificates to pupils in assembly for demonstrating positive behaviours.

Pupils develop their leadership skills and have many opportunities to make a strong contribution to school life. For example, the school council made recommendations to re-zone the playground to support safe and calm ball games. The school acted on this advice.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has a highly ambitious curriculum. Deep thinking underpins its design. It is sharply focused on supporting pupils' learning journeys, for every subject, from the Reception Year to Year 6.

Building on very strong foundations in early years, pupils make excellent progress through the curriculum. The work that they produce is consistently of a very high standard. In the latest published provisional data, the school's performance was significantly above average in all areas.

These high levels of attainment across the subjects are because of several factors. The school has robust systems in place to identify and cater for pupils' specific needs. Working with external agencies, the school assesses and provides effective extra support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

The school also ensures that all staff have regular, quality training. This gives them the expertise to deliver the curriculum effectively. Staff skilfully make adaptations to their teaching to support pupils with SEND.

These pupils access the same curriculum and are as successful as their peers. The school deploys several successful strategies to help pupils commit key knowledge to their long-term memories. Staff regularly check on pupils' learning.

They address any emerging gaps and misconceptions quickly.

Reading is a top priority. Staff have the required expertise to teach the school's chosen phonics programme effectively.

Through daily support sessions, the school gives any pupil who falls behind the help that they need. As a result, pupils become confident and fluent readers. Pupils' passion for reading is strongly encouraged.

For instance, pupils across the school enthusiastically take part in a competition to see who can read the most books. Pupils who win this competition and other awards in school take delight in spending the tokens that they receive in the school's book-vending machine.

Children in the early years learn to share and to be kind to one another.

They concentrate hard on their learning activities. They collaborate extremely well with their classmates, such as in presenting their nativity play. Pupils throughout the school demonstrate resilience.

They do not give up when things are challenging. For instance, pupils proudly explained that they have learned that 'FAIL' is an acronym for 'first attempt in learning'. These very positive attitudes make a very strong contribution to their success.

Promoting pupils' personal development is at the heart of the school's work. The school pays close attention to supporting pupils' physical and mental health. The school teaches pupils about inappropriate touching, healthy relationships and consent.

There is a wide range of visits and in-school workshops that enrich pupils' knowledge. Examples of these include trips to London galleries, sketching at botanical gardens and visits from theatre groups.

Pupils take full advantage of the exceptional range of opportunities the school provides to develop their talents and interests.

From practising gymnastics, playing a musical instrument, to learning to speak Spanish and how to sew, pupils are well supported to broaden their horizons. The mini-Parliament has a key role in shaping school policy, such as the rebranding of the house names so that they are more diverse.

Staff appreciate what the school does to reduce their workload and support their well-being.

The governing body works closely with school leaders for the benefit of the pupils. Engagement with parents and carers is extensive. All those who shared a view during the inspection would recommend this school.

The school leadership makes a very strong contribution to the community. For example, it works with other local schools to share successful practice in early years provision, phonics and parental engagement.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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Complete Sports Ltd - Cannon Lane Primary School

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