Cantell School

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About Cantell School

Name Cantell School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Harry Kutty
Address Violet Road, Bassett, Southampton, SO16 3GJ
Phone Number 02380323111
Phase Secondary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1268
Local Authority Southampton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are exceptionally proud to be part of the 'Cantell family'. They thrive in this diverse and inclusive school. Pupils value the school's positive ethos, as exemplified by the 'Cantell Cs' of challenge, cooperation, courtesy, commitment and creativity.

Pupils develop strong positive friendships with each other. They understand that everyone is different and all have a part to play in society. Pupils seize every opportunity to participate in the vast range of clubs, trips and visits on offer in the school and the wider community.

Pupils spoke warmly about how there was something for everyone to get involved in during the recent production of 'Oliver', from acting building the scenery. Pupils are notably proud of others' achievements. As one pupil said, 'This school encourages us to believe we can succeed.'

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. They show high levels of respect for all staff. This is because pupils know that staff want them to be happy and safe.

Should any pupil need extra support to manage their behaviour, leaders make sure they get it.

The curriculum is ambitious, demonstrating the school's very high expectations of all pupils' learning. Consequently, pupils, including those who speak English as an additional language and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, achieve strong outcomes.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils display impressive knowledge. This results from the school's highly effective, consistent approach to designing and delivering the curriculum. Each subject sets out precisely the most important knowledge that pupils will learn.

Learning is sequenced logically so that it builds on what pupils already know. Teachers have strong subject knowledge. The school has rightly prioritised making sure that teachers are skilled in choosing learning activities that best help build pupils' knowledge over time.

Teachers check carefully that pupils are truly learning what they are taught. Importantly, teachers adapt their approach and provide additional support for any pupils who need extra help to grasp the content being taught. Pupils benefit strongly from this approach.

Leaders and governors, with support from the Aspire Community Trust, have made sure that the school has gone from strength to strength, so that it provides an excellent education for its pupils. Leaders are highly effective because they are strongly analytical. Their sharp and accurate understanding of the school has enabled them to identify and quickly improve any aspect that needs it.

For example, the school acted promptly to identify why some pupils were not achieving as well in English as they might. There are now more opportunities for pupils to read whole books, and better support for pupils who are in the early stages of learning to read. Consequently, current pupils are achieving well in English.

Leaders have created a highly positive culture which is re-enforced consistently well by all. Staff know that leaders care about their well-being and workload. Everyone works hard to remove any potential barriers to pupils' achievement.

As a result, pupils' attitudes to their education and to each other are impressive. Any disruption to learning is exceptionally rare. This is a testament to the extensive help leaders have provided for a few pupils who have struggled to maintain calm and safe behaviour in school following the COVID-19 pandemic, including help from other professional agencies.

Similarly, the thoughtful and targeted help the school provides for some pupils who have struggled to maintain regular attendance since the pandemic is helping these pupils to overcome their barriers and attend much more regularly.

Pupils are very well prepared for life in modern Britain and the world. This is an impressive part of the school's work.

The curriculum in each subject encourages pupils to think about how to be world citizens, challenge world issues and think in an informed way. The well-thought-through and varied careers education inspires pupils to consider how they can make their valuable contribution to society. Regular visits from local businesses and sixth-form colleges and trips to universities ensure that pupils are very well informed about their potential next stages.

As one pupil said, 'The school could not do more for us.'

Pupils, staff, and parents and carers are in full agreement that Cantell is an exceptional school that they are all extremely proud of.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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