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This is an amazing school' was typical of pupils' comments. Pupils thrive at Carew Academy.
They grow in confidence and independence. Attendance is excellent because pupils enjoy school. They take pride in achieving and learning more.
Pupils who have been at the school for some time said how much better it is now.Pupils know that staff have high expectations and want them to do well. Pupils know who to turn to if they are having a difficult time.
They are very confident that staff will be there to guide and support them if they are anxious or upset.
Pupils are keen to take advantage of everything the school offers. They very much enjoy experiences i...n the creative arts.
The standard of work in art is exceptionally high. Pupils relish taking part in educational visits as well as sports, such as riding and swimming. Older pupils benefit from work placements, for instance in the construction industry.
These opportunities help them to learn and apply new skills.The school is calm, friendly and welcoming. Pupils said that they feel safe.
Staff treat pupils with respect. Relationships are exceptionally good. Pupils get on very well with staff and with each other.
Staff deal effectively with any friendship issues that arise.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The headteacher and senior team lead by example. Their energy and vision have helped the school go from strength to strength.
Staff, governors and families share leaders' high aspirations. Staff work exceptionally well with families and external agencies. These strong partnerships have forged a school where all pupils excel.
This includes disadvantaged pupils. For many pupils it is the first time they have been successful at school.Support from the trust has been highly effective.
Trust leaders work closely with the leadership team to strengthen the school's effectiveness. Staff access a wide range of excellent training and guidance. The school also works closely with the local authority to develop high-quality provision.
This, too, enables pupils to flourish.Staff are passionate about meeting pupils' needs. They find creative solutions to overcome the challenges of a listed building.
For example, the 'Great Hall' is used effectively as a dance and drama studio, a gymnasium, a dining hall and an assembly hall.Leaders and staff understand what helps pupils to be successful. They make ambitious choices about what pupils study.
All subjects are planned carefully. In key stages 2 and 3, planning is broadly based on the national curriculum. This is complemented by an exciting enrichment programme.
Activities include debating, cycling and animation. Pupils in key stage 4 and the sixth form study for qualifications. Leaders and staff make sure that pupils achieve highly in all subjects.
Excellent off-site courses provide further opportunities. For example, pupils can study computer programming and hair and beauty. High-quality careers education gives pupils comprehensive information on their future choices.
The sixth form opened in September 2016. Almost all Year 11 pupils now stay on. The carefully planned curriculum meets individual needs and interests.
Students have many opportunities to develop social and independent living skills. This includes a trip to France. Almost all students now do work experience.
They leave very well prepared for further education, employment or apprenticeships.Most pupils join with gaps in their knowledge and little confidence in their ability. This is often because of poor attendance at previous schools.
Teachers and therapists work as a strong team. They focus on building pupils' confidence through encouragement and challenge. This inspires pupils and helps them to catch up.
Pupils are proud of their work and achievements.High-quality resources and regular practice help to improve pupils' reading. Phonics sessions help younger pupils to catch up.
In all subjects, pupils are taught a wide range of vocabulary, which they use in their oral and written work. Pupils learn to express their ideas well and show the depth of their knowledge. This is particularly the case in the humanities.
Secondary-aged pupils study how to use the scientific method. They apply their scientific knowledge well. In mathematics, pupils master important knowledge and skills.
For example, pupils use their knowledge of times tables when solving problems.Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education underpins everything the school does. Leaders' work to support pupils' personal development is exceptional.
From a young age, staff encourage pupils to take on responsibilities. Pupils explore topics in depth. They learn about different beliefs and cultures and the importance of respecting difference.
Staff seize opportunities to teach about citizens' rights and responsibilities. Pupils talked enthusiastically about their mock election. High-quality therapies help pupils to manage their behaviour and feelings.
Pupils behave very well in lessons. Staff manage any issues well and do not allow anything to disrupt learning.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The school takes safeguarding very seriously and all staff receive regular training. Staff know the pupils and their families very well. They are very aware of the risks which pupils may have to manage.
For example, older pupils spoke highly of the training which helps them to travel safely and be independent.Leaders work closely with parents and carers, the local authority and other agencies. They ensure that any concerns about pupils' welfare are followed up promptly and effectively.