Carleton Park Junior and Infant School

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About Carleton Park Junior and Infant School

Name Carleton Park Junior and Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Michelle Winter
Address Moxon Close, Carleton Park, Pontefract, WF8 3PT
Phone Number 01977722615
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 207
Local Authority Wakefield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils receive an exceptional education. The school motto is 'Be the best you can be.'

Pupils are keen to live up to this, and they do. This is true in their academic work and in their behaviour and friendships. Pupils work hard.

They relish challenges and know they can succeed. Pupils care for one another. This is seen in their many small gestures of kindness.

Leaders and staff have created this positive culture through careful messaging and expert modelling of the school's values.

The trust has designed a comprehensive plan for pupils' wider development. Leaders in the school have refined this even further to specifically meet the needs of their p...upils.

For example, pupils are excited to join in 50 bespoke wider experiences during their time at the school. These support them to learn about the curriculum and about themselves.

Pupils develop their talents and interests through a rich programme of music and sporting events.

Pupils benefit from a wide range of school clubs, such as martial arts, Lego, dancing and art club.

Pupil leaders, who have various roles in school, are excellent role models. Their leadership impacts the school's culture.

For example, the work of pupil 'eco-leaders' has increased the number of pupils who walk or cycle to school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Books are at the heart of the curriculum. Highly skilled staff make sure that pupils learn to read quickly.

Those who need help to catch up receive it. Pupils become confident and fluent readers. The school uses high-quality texts to support the teaching of each curriculum subject from Reception to Year 6.

Pupils read with purpose, to deepen their knowledge of topics they study. Pupils also develop a love of reading through activities, such as the reading sleepover and visits from mystery readers.

Staff across the trust have worked together to design an ambitious and highly effective curriculum.

This work is then further refined by staff in the school to meet the needs of pupils. It is carefully structured around the 'very important points' that pupils need to learn. Teachers have excellent knowledge of the subjects they teach.

They choose just the right activities to help children learn and remember. Staff check that pupils are keeping up. They quickly and expertly address any misconceptions.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are extremely well supported. Teachers understand pupils' needs. They adapt their teaching to meet those needs while maintaining high expectations for all pupils.

Interventions, such as those in place to support pupils' early writing, are very effective. Teaching assistants are highly skilled. They make sure that pupils with SEND get the most out of every lesson.

Pupils with SEND make exceptional progress.

In the early years, leaders show the same attention to detail in their curriculum design as elsewhere in the school. Staff ensure that children benefit from a wide range of purposeful activities.

These support children to learn successfully. Staff are highly skilled in developing children's communication and language. All children get the practise they need in using ambitious vocabulary.

Staff continually check what children know and can do. They know each child's next steps in learning. This helps children to learn and remember the curriculum very well.

Consequently, children are well prepared for Year 1.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. Staff establish very clear and consistent routines, which pupils confidently follow.

Pupils are highly engaged in learning. They also support and help one another. Children in the early years quickly learn to share resources and work together.

Pupils are proud to be part of the school community. Pupils are confident that staff will resolve any issues that arise. Relationships are strong right across the school.

The 50 experiences that underpin pupil's personal development are carefully planned from Reception through to Year 6. They include visiting the coast and learning about space in a planetarium. There are also many opportunities to connect with the community and learn about the world of work.

Staff expertly use these opportunities to support pupils to learn the planned curriculum. For example, visiting the coast supports pupils in developing their creative writing about landscapes. Pupils explore different faiths and communities.

They are respectful and knowledgeable about the communities they study.

Staff feel valued. Strategies that have been put in place, such as the approach to assessment, make their workload more manageable.

They benefit from many opportunities for collaboration and training with staff from other schools. There is appropriate challenge and support for leaders at all levels. Trustees and governors are well informed.

The CEO and executive leadership team have worked with the school to develop all areas to the highest standard. Everyone strives to continually improve from what is already an exceptionally strong foundation.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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