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Parents and carers speak very highly about the school.
Almost all would recommend it. They emphasise the high quality of pastoral care and support given to their children. Pupils are safe, happy and looked after well.
Leaders have high expectations for pupils. This includes for their behaviour. Pupils behave well and show positive attitudes to their learning.
Staff enjoy working with pupils. They give them plenty of help and encouragement. Sixth-form students feel well supported with their academic studies.'
Report it, sort it' is the message to all pupils about what they should do if they have any worries about issues such as bullying or harassment.... This helps to make sure that any incidents such as homophobic behaviour are 'called out' and dealt with. Discrimination is not tolerated.
There is a warm atmosphere at the school. Corridors are calm places. The school council, 'CBSC Power', is an active group of pupils.
The council was at the heart of a successful campaign to secure a pelican crossing outside the school.
Leaders offer a range of GCSE and work-related courses at key stage 4 and in the sixth form that meet pupils' needs. These courses help pupils in planning for their future study when they leave school.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders review and make improvements to the curriculum regularly. There are now more pupils studying a modern foreign language at GCSE. The proportion of pupils studying the English Baccalaureate has also risen over time.
Pupils make their option choices during Year 8. Leaders use 'bridging units' during Year 9, which aim to ensure that pupils continue to study a broad range of subjects until the end of Year 9.
Leaders have ensured that in most subjects there has been careful thought about what pupils need to be taught.
They have also ensured that in most subjects there are ambitious expectations for what pupils will learn. Most pupils go on to develop a strong body of subject-specific knowledge and skills. For example, in history in Year 9, pupils were able to confidently explain how the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and the economic situation in Germany after the First World War contributed to the rise of the Nazi Party.
However, in a few subjects and in some 'bridging units' of work, particularly in Years 7 to 9, what pupils will learn is not precisely identified. Occasionally, the planned body of subject knowledge that pupils learn is not as ambitious as it could be.
Leaders make sure that staff have the information that they need about pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Staff use this information to help adapt their teaching effectively. Most parents of pupils with SEND are positive about the support their children receive. Pupils who need help with their reading are identified quickly and given the support they need to keep up.
These pupils go on to enjoy reading and become enthusiastic readers.
Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They give clear explanations when they present information to pupils.
Teachers put a lot of emphasis on helping pupils to remember their learning and checking for misconceptions. For example, in Year 13 sport, teachers check carefully that students understand the meaning and different uses of quantitative and qualitative research.
Leaders ensure that staff apply the behaviour policy consistently.
Low-level disruption, when it happens, is dealt with effectively. That said, suspensions, including for pupils with SEND, and permanent exclusions are too high. Leaders are taking effective actions to reduce them.
For example, they have recently employed specialists to carry out preventative work with specific groups of pupils. It is too early to see the full impact of this work.
Leaders teach pupils about the world around them.'
Newsday Tuesday' gives pupils opportunities to think about current affairs. Assemblies regularly develop awareness of topics such as feminism and racism. The 'Boys get sad too' campaign teaches pupils that it is 'okay' to express emotions.
Pupils also benefit from the range of clubs and sporting activities that are available. However, some pupils do not take advantage of this offer. Leaders' analysis of who is participating and who is not is limited.
Sixth-form students would like to see some improvements to their enrichment opportunities. In some cases, these opportunities clash with timetabled lessons.
Leaders offer a package of careers guidance, including the 'directions and destinations' day which involves employers, universities and colleges.
Pupils learn about a range of career possibilities. While the majority of sixth-form students move on to university places, some take up apprenticeships.
Staff morale is high.
Staff receive lots of training to develop their teaching expertise. Teachers new to teaching are full of praise for the support they receive. Trustees know the school well.
They choose to visit the school to test out what staff, pupils and parents have to say about school life.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders have a clear understanding of the risks that may have an impact on pupils.
They help pupils to manage these risks well. Leaders provide a range of support to help vulnerable pupils and their families. This includes working with a range of external agencies in both proactive and reactive ways.
Leaders make sure staff have regular training on safeguarding. Staff are confident about how to report concerns should they ever arise. Pupils are taught how to stay safe and how to manage healthy relationships.
This includes how to look after their physical and emotional well-being.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a few subjects and some 'bridging units' of work, particularly in Years 7, 8 and 9, the knowledge that leaders want pupils to know and remember is not clearly set out. Sometimes, the planned content is not as ambitious as it should be.
This means that pupils do not learn the deep body of knowledge that they should. Leaders should review their curriculum thinking in these subjects and units. ? Some pupils do not take part in the school's offer of clubs and activities.
This also applies to students in the sixth form. This means that some pupils lose out on opportunities for their broader development. Leaders should ensure they improve pupils' take-up of the school's offer.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.