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They take great delight in the range of curriculum opportunities on offer. They like the varied curriculum and talk enthusiastically about their learning. Pupils like being able to go on overnight residentials each year.
They also enjoy daily visits if they choose not to stay overnight.
Pupils are developing a real love of reading. They often 'get lost in a book'.
Pupils have many opportunities to read for sustained periods of time. Changes to the homework policy have resulted in pupils focusing on reading more at home. Pupils, parents and carers like this.
Behaviour is good. Pupils work well together; they loo...k after each other and say they feel safe. Most parents are positive about the improvements the school has made.
One parent stated: 'School is welcoming and caring. After-school care is excellent. There are loads of great school trips and residentials.
The teachers are lovely, really hard working and committed.'
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have designed a curriculum that meets the needs of pupils. It covers the national curriculum.
It also makes good use of the local area to make the learning meaningful. For example, in history, pupils learn about the history of Sheffield steel. They talk about the impact of the steelworks on the local area over time.
Reading is high priority across the school. All classrooms promote reading though their creatively displayed book corners. The recently introduced silent reading sessions provide quality reading time.
All pupils spoken to say that they love reading. They have a long list of favourite authors and books. They share well-loved books with classmates and make recommendations to each other.
Teachers keep up to date with new reading books and check what pupils are reading. They suggest alternative types of books for pupils to read so that they read a wider range of books. The new reading programme is closely matched to the needs of the class.
Teachers adapt their questions so that pupils receive appropriate challenge. Pupils read more challenging books when they work with the teacher. This helps them to develop a wider vocabulary.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive extra support to help them catch up and keep up. For some lower-ability pupils, the silent reading sessions are not beneficial. This is because pupils do not always have the understanding needed for this to be of benefit.
The wider curriculum is planned and taught well. Art projects are well planned and capture pupils' imagination. Science work builds on skills and knowledge over time.
Topics and assembly themes provide planned teaching of British values. In history, long-term plans do not always provide enough detail of what needs to be taught when. For example, some vocabulary and knowledge are not clearly identified.
Leaders are not currently checking consistency across the year groups. Leadership of science, geography, mathematics, reading and art is particularly strong. In science lessons, pupils were particularly attentive and participated enthusiastically.
They cooperated well with each other in groups. Teaching repeats and revisits the content of lessons to make sure pupils understand. Pre- and post-learning quizzes support assessment.
Pupils enjoy learning mathematics. They like having challenging activities, particularly word problems. Teachers revisit concepts over time to check that pupils can remember.
They adapt their planning if they find that pupils struggle with a concept. Teachers are consistent in applying the school's mathematics planning. Training supports any identified weaknesses and is ongoing.
The leadership team checks the quality of education across the school. Leaders provide verbal and written feedback to help teachers improve their practice.
Pupils behave well because all adults have high expectations.
Pupils are polite and respectful. Pupils say that other pupils behave well and there is no bullying. Pupils would recommend this school to their friends.
They say that the school treats everyone equally and fairly. Attendance is above the national average.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is a strong culture of safeguarding at the school. Staff receive regular training and are vigilant to signs of harm. They report any concerns quickly.
Leaders keep detailed records of any concerns and incidents, along with any follow up. Record-keeping is particularly detailed and informative.
The school ensures that pupils are kept safe online.
Pupils are well informed about how to keep themselves safe. They know what to do if they come across anything of concern. The school website provides a range of useful information to help parents at home.
Leaders follow correct procedures when appointing new staff. All relevant checks are completed.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
During sustained reading sessions, some lower-ability pupils, including those with SEND, are not always given the support they require.
As a result, they do not always benefit from this reading time in the same way that the most able pupils do. Leaders need to ensure that this time is used more productively with lower-ability readers. .
Subject leadership of the curriculum is strong. However, in some subjects, leaders need to continue to ensure that they have a more cohesive overview of the medium-term plans. This will ensure that pupils build on their knowledge over time.