Catmose College

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About Catmose College

Name Catmose College
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Principal Stuart Williams
Address Huntsmans Drive, Oakham, LE15 6RP
Phone Number 01572770066
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1069
Local Authority Rutland
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Catmose College provides a remarkable and broad education for all. Pupils are well supported by passionate and inspirational staff.

Behaviour is exemplary. Bullying and discrimination are not tolerated. Pupils thrive and achieve very well.

At the heart of the school is the 'Hellerup'. This is an inspiring communal area. Here, pupils and staff eat and socialise together happily.

Pupils demonstrate consistently respectful attitudes towards each other, staff, and the school environment. Pupils told inspectors that they appreciate the trust that is placed in them to use school facilities freely during their breaks and lunchtimes.

Beyond the academic curr...iculum, the school offers many fabulous opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests or learn new skills.

The electives programme includes lessons in diverse options such as interior design, water sports, coding, and many more. Pupils can take part in a multitude of different sports or get involved in performing arts. The school offers a huge range of trips that include exchange visits and skiing in Europe.

Many pupils take part in these memorable experiences. Disadvantaged pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), benefit from support and encouragement to take part in all activities alongside their peers.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is extremely ambitious.

Pupils in key stage 3 study a wide range of subjects, covering the national curriculum and more. At key stage 4, pupils choose from a well-chosen variety of academic and vocational courses. All can choose to study the subjects that make up the English Baccalaureate.

Pupils with SEND have access to the same ambitious curriculum as their peers. For those with more complex needs, including those in the designated specialist provision (DSP), curriculum plans are adapted to meet individual needs precisely. The curriculum prepares all pupils exceptionally well for their next stages in education.

Expert staff have collaborated effectively to design detailed curriculum plans for all subjects. They make sure that pupils will learn the knowledge, skills, and vocabulary they need to be successful. Staff have thought carefully about the order in which pupils learn new knowledge.

This supports pupils to gain an ever deeper understanding as they progress through the curriculum.

In classrooms, staff explain concepts clearly. Opportunities for pupils to practise what they have learned are sharply focused so that pupils develop fluency.

Staff routinely encourage pupils to connect new knowledge to what they have learned previously. Carefully planned questions challenge pupils to think deeply. As a result, pupils build knowledge over time and remember what they have learned.

Pupils try hard in lessons. They produce work of consistently high quality across the curriculum. Staff check pupils' learning often.

They address any misconceptions quickly and provide pupils with feedback that helps them to develop their work.

Staff skilfully adapt lesson activities for pupils with SEND. They help these pupils to work independently to gain knowledge and skills while developing resilience.

Pupils with SEND achieve very well. Weaker readers are very effectively supported to gain reading fluency so that they can access the curriculum in full.

The curriculum to support pupils' broader personal development is exceptional.

Alongside the vast range of enrichment opportunities there is a well-planned tutorial and assembly programme. Pupils learn about British values, relationships, and personal finance. They celebrate diversity and equality.

Pupils are tolerant of difference. They quickly develop mature attitudes and exude confidence. When they are worried, or struggling with their mental health, pupils benefit from excellent pastoral support.

The careers programme is expansive. It includes opportunities to meet employers as well as receiving personalised advice. Pupils value this.

They are very well informed about their future choices in education and careers.

Trustees and governors provide strong support and challenge to school leaders. They value the staff and prioritise their well-being.

Staff are very well supported to develop expertise and manage their workload. They are proud to work at this school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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