Cestria Primary School

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About Cestria Primary School

Name Cestria Primary School
Website http://www.cestria.durham.sch.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Lorraine Gowland
Address Church Chare, Chester le Street, DH3 3PZ
Phone Number 01913882483
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 407
Local Authority County Durham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders and staff have developed an exciting curriculum. Pupils benefit from specialised learning in science, technology and food. They take part in focus days to help them apply their knowledge and skills in these subjects.

This complements their learning elsewhere in the curriculum.

Leaders ensure that pupils' learning is underpinned by strong foundations in English and mathematics. They have developed an effective mathematics curriculum.

Children and pupils learn to read very well. Pupils achieve very high standards across a range of subjects.

Pupils learn how to respect the rights of others.

They are kind and helpful towards one another.... Relationships between adults and pupils are positive. Pupils are happy and confident in their learning.

This is reflected in their very high levels of attendance. Pupils enjoy the increasingly wide variety of clubs, trips and residential experiences. Pupils contribute to their community through musical performance and charity work.

In discussions with inspectors, pupils said they felt safe in school. They behave exceptionally well. Teachers encourage positive behaviour.

Leaders take the rare incidents of bullying seriously.

Parents and carers who made their views known are very pleased with the support their children receive. They appreciate the quality of care and education provided.

New online systems are helping them to support their children's learning at home.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have a distinctive picture of what they want pupils to learn. They make sure that pupils acquire knowledge and skills across many subjects.

Pupils carry out science experiments, make things in the invention shed and take part in geography fieldwork. These experiences bring learning to life. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all pupils.

Curriculum leaders have thought carefully about what pupils will learn. For example, in geography, leaders have mapped out what pupils will learn about place from Reception class to Year 6. In history, pupils develop a sense of important changes over time.

Leaders continually review the curriculum provision and use training to build staff expertise. There remain, however, subject areas where teachers' knowledge of the subject is less well developed. On occasions, information on what individual pupils have learned does not inform teachers well enough about their pupils' next steps in learning.

Pupils have a thorough understanding of mathematics. Learning in mathematics is planned carefully. Pupils' skills and knowledge are reinforced through the wider curriculum.

Pupils apply their mathematical knowledge in science and technology work. Teachers encourage high standards of writing across the school. Children are taught how to hold a pencil correctly from the early stages of Reception class.

Pupils achieve very well in external assessments. These outcomes are achieved through pupils' ongoing learning, not excessive practice.

Pupils receive an excellent start to learning phonics in the early years.

There is an equally strong focus in key stage 1. This enables the vast majority of pupils to read well. Teachers make story time special.

Pupils enjoy listening to their teachers. Pupils who fall behind in their reading receive effective support. Despite a slight dip in 2019, older pupils typically achieve very high standards in their reading.

On occasions, leaders do not develop older pupils' wider reading as thoroughly as they could. The range of fiction, poetry and plays they experience does not fully reflect pupils' reading capabilities.

Leaders have developed the curriculum to support pupils' personal, social and emotional development.

Pupils develop a respect for other faiths and cultures. They take part in special activities to develop their resilience and teamwork. Pupils enjoy the breadth of the curriculum.

They all have the opportunity to take part in musical or drama performance. This builds their confidence and self-esteem. Pupils attend extremely well because school is a welcoming and happy place.

Leaders provide effective support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This enable pupils to make progress in their reading. This support also helps pupils with SEND to learn effectively across all subjects.

The headteacher and her team have developed a curriculum that motivates pupils. Leaders and teachers have enabled pupils to achieve consistently high standards over time. Leaders have taken considered steps to manage staff workload.

Parents who made their views known are very happy with the quality of education that their children receive.

In the early years, adults know and care for children very well. They plan activities that help children to learn about the world around them.

They learn about Chester-le-Street and benefit from regular trips and visits. Specialist teachers work with children to develop their movement skills. Leaders plan an exciting curriculum.

They respond to pupils' interests and abilities. Close links with parents support children's learning. Adults develop children's reading and writing skills exceptionally well.

Children quickly become confident in using numbers. This prepares children very well for Year 1.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders work with the local authority to check and enhance safeguarding arrangements. They have developed the expertise of the school's safeguarding team. They update staff on safeguarding issues.

Leaders follow up concerns over pupils' welfare, although some records do not reflect as well as they could the actions taken. Leaders teach pupils about safety in assemblies and across the curriculum. They provide pupils with workshops with groups such as the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

Leaders carry out appropriate checks on the suitability of adults working at the school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Leaders and teachers have worked very effectively to plan a coherent curriculum in many subjects, including science, history and geography. However, in some subjects, teachers' knowledge of the subject is less well developed and assessment does not inform teachers clearly enough about the next curriculum steps to be made.

Leaders and teachers should continue to enhance the curriculum so that pupils acquire deep knowledge and skills across all subjects. . Leaders and teachers teach children to read well from an early age.

Pupils achieve high standards in reading. On occasions, older pupils' wider reading is not as well developed. Leaders and teachers should further enhance pupils' access to a wide range of fiction, poetry and plays as they progress through the school.

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