Chandlers Field Primary School

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About Chandlers Field Primary School

Name Chandlers Field Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mr Graham Macaulay
Address High Street, West Molesey, KT8 2LX
Phone Number 02082244731
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 394
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection


There has been no change to this school's overall judgement of good as a result of this ungraded (section 8) inspection. However, the evidence gathered suggests that the inspection grade might not be as high if a graded (section 5) inspection were carried out now. Inspectors are recommending the next inspection to be a graded inspection.

What is it like to attend this school?

The values of aspiration, perseverance, compassion, respect, courage and togetherness are woven through daily life in this very inclusive school. Staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour and achievement. Using the motto 'Yes we can!', pupils develop confidence and independence.

Most pupils, including ...those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), do well. However, some pupils could achieve more highly than they do currently.

Leaders provide a variety of experiences which broaden the curriculum.

Pupils enjoy seeing their own artwork displayed in a gallery and experiencing stone age activities first hand on the school field. Pupils are pleased to take on positions of responsibility, such as peer mentors and school councillors. They feel that their opinions matter to adults, with pupils taking democratic decisions on ways to improve their school environment.

A wide range of extra-curricular clubs are offered, including Spanish, coding, art and dodgeball. However, too few pupils currently attend these.

Pupils are kind, polite and respectful.

They thrive on the positive culture created by staff. Pupils feel safe in school. Bullying or unkind behaviour are not tolerated.

Pupils know that staff will help them if they have worries. Parents and carers also support the work of the school, saying their child is happy here.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

While leaders and governors are ambitious for all pupils, particularly those with SEND or those who are from a disadvantaged background, there are weaknesses in some procedures within the school.

For example, leaders have not made sure that staff report behavioural challenges faced by some pupils with SEND in sufficient detail. This means that leaders cannot easily monitor pupils' behavioural patterns. However, leaders were able to rectify some of these weaknesses during the inspection.

While governors are committed and knowledgeable about the school, they do not always have enough information to fulfil their statutory duties with confidence.Staff are proud to work in the school and show strong commitment to the pupils. Most staff feel supported by leaders and appreciate how their well-being is prioritised.

A few members of staff, however, would like leaders to engage with them more effectively.

Leaders have designed a broad and balanced curriculum. However, in a few subjects, pupils do not recall key ideas so readily.

This is because leaders have not accurately identified the vocabulary and knowledge that pupils need to remember precisely enough. In these subjects, leaders are aware that pupils could do even better and have plans in place to address this. In nursery and early years, the essential knowledge that children should learn is clearly set out.

Leaders have carefully sequenced learning, making sure that children build on what they already know. In Reception, children develop their mathematical understanding and communication skills well. Across the school, skilled staff use a consistent teaching approach, ensuring that activities are well matched to pupils' needs.

Teachers check pupils' understanding and address any gaps in knowledge before moving on to more complex ideas. This means that pupils with SEND gain a similar level of success as their peers. In most subjects, pupils develop a strong understanding and apply their learning well.

Leaders prioritise reading. They are determined that all pupils become keen, confident readers. Right from the start of nursery, children enjoy books and rhymes.

They retell favourite stories with confidence because teachers focus tightly on developing pupils' vocabulary. Pupils start learning simple sounds at the end of nursery, which helps to give them a good grounding in phonics. Staff deliver the phonics programme using a consistent and effective approach.

Pupils identified as struggling with reading are given regular and systematic support to catch up. This means that pupils with SEND or those who speak English as an additional language quickly become more confident readers.

The school is a positive environment for learning.

In nursery and early years, routines are well established so that pupils quickly develop high levels of personal care and independence. Almost all pupils behave well in lessons and in the playground. Teachers make sure that classrooms are quiet and calm.

This means that pupils can have uninterrupted time to think. Very occasionally, some pupils find it difficult to regulate their behaviour. Skilled staff help them to re-focus effectively.

Leaders recognise the importance of supporting pupils' emotional and physical well-being. Pupils value the many opportunities to be active throughout the day, including the benefits of the forest school area. Through personal, social and health education, pupils are taught to appreciate the varied faiths, languages and ethnicities in the school and in the wider community.

Pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and staff place high importance on pupils' safety and welfare.

The personal, social and health curriculum teaches pupils how to recognise potential risks and keep themselves safe, including online. Recruitment checks on new staff are thorough and timely. The experienced safeguarding team follows up any concerns about pupils quickly.

Leaders liaise with outside agencies effectively to get appropriate support for children and their families. Staff receive regular safeguarding training and updates. As such, they are clear about the processes for raising concerns.

However, leaders do not have a comprehensive overview of safeguarding training completed by staff because records are not well organised.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, leaders have not identified the knowledge and vocabulary that pupils need to learn precisely enough. This means that pupils do not always remember complex ideas and concepts.

Leaders should ensure that they strengthen their identification and organisation of knowledge and concepts across all subjects. ? Leaders and governors do not have comprehensive oversight of staff training in relation to the safeguarding and welfare of pupils. Systems to maintain this information are not well organised.

This results in a lack of clarity over the training completed by each member of staff. Leaders should ensure that information on training is maintained comprehensively and clearly. ? Leaders do not ensure that staff report information regarding pupils' behaviour in sufficient depth.

As a result, leaders and governors are not able to monitor trends in behaviour effectively, particularly when physical intervention has been used. Leaders should ensure that systems are in place for staff to report information in sufficient detail.


When we have judged a school to be good, we will then normally go into the school about once every four years to confirm that the school remains good.

This is called an ungraded inspection and it is carried out under section 8 of the Education Act 2005. We do not give graded judgements on an ungraded inspection. However, if we find evidence that a school would now receive a higher or lower grade, then the next inspection will be a graded inspection, which is carried out under section 5 of the Act.

Usually this is within one to two years of the date of the ungraded inspection. If we have serious concerns about safeguarding, behaviour or the quality of education, we will deem the ungraded inspection a graded inspection immediately.

This is the first ungraded inspection since we judged the school to be good in October 2017.

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