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Warmbrook Road, Chapel-en-le-Frith, High Peak, SK23 0NL
Phone Number
Voluntary controlled school
Age Range
Religious Character
Church of England
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this school?
This is a happy and vibrant school where pupils feel safe. Staff are united and positive.
Leaders have integrity and want the very best for pupils. The school has a number of bases and specially trained staff to support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The school community is rightly proud of this provision.
There is a unique spirit of inclusion and equality.
The school has established an ambitious curriculum. Pupils readily recall knowledge from a range of subjects and love to learn.
However, there is scope for the school to further develop both the overall curriculum offer and the quality of teaching.
Pupil...s' behaviour is strong. The school's approach to behaviour is simple and straightforward.
Pupils are taught to 'be ready, be safe and show respect'. On the whole, pupils get this right. They respond positively and quickly to instructions from staff.
Pupils with specific social and emotional needs receive excellent support from highly skilled staff.
The vast majority of parents and carers speak very highly of the school. Many parents commented on the very positive relationships that staff form with pupils.
One parent comment reflected the views of many others: 'I would highly recommend this school to other parents, and very often do.'
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school's curriculum from early years to Year 6 has evolved over the last year. Staff have added more content and knowledge to reflect the locality of the school.
For example, pupils learn about the local village of Eyam and the role it played in containing the plague in the 17th century. Pupils can recall much of their learning with accuracy and enthusiasm. The curriculum is specially adapted for pupils with SEND.
Pupils with SEND spend time in class and also receive additional support in a number of bases across the school. These bases include light rooms and soft play that develop pupils' communication and physical needs effectively.
Children in the early years settle quickly into school life.
This is because staff are skilled and routines are well thought out. Children sustain their engagement in activities. Staff carefully introduce new ideas and encourage children to join in.
Though the curriculum is broad and ambitious, there is scope for further development. Staff have recently considered how they can refine and detail subject knowledge further. This work is beginning to help pupils have a more mature understanding of the uniqueness of subjects and how they work.
These developments are at an early stage in some areas and there is more work to do.
Published outcomes in writing and science have been variable in recent years but standards are now improving. For example, staff have received extra training to support the teaching of writing.
The development of vocabulary has also been a priority. As a result, pupils are practising their writing more frequently and making improved progress. The profile and teaching of science has also been a focus.
Improvements have been secured and pupils are making better progress.
The school has a well-established approach to teaching early reading. The teaching of phonics is effective and secures rapid progress.
Any pupils that need extra support with their reading attend additional classes with well-trained staff. Older pupils talk very positively about reading. Many parents commented on how well they feel the school fosters a love of reading.
There is some variability in how well teachers deliver the curriculum. Where teaching is most effective, questioning is effective in developing pupils' thinking, and knowledge is presented very clearly. These strengths are not consistent across the school and this can hamper the progress that pupils make.
Pupils behave well. Staff have strong relationships with pupils. These relationships form an excellent foundation for school life.
Routines and structures are simple and effective. Pupils are taught what is expected of them. As one pupil put it: 'everybody gets what they need, which is sometimes different, but fair'.
Overall attendance is strong for all pupils, and persistent absence is low.
Pupils have a good understanding of British values. They are taught what is right and wrong.
They have a wide range of leadership responsibilities. Pupils also have a strong awareness of diversity and the protected characteristics. There are many extra-curricular opportunities for pupils to engage in.
These include multiple residentials to outdoor centres across key stage 2 and visits to France.
Leaders and governors are rightly proud of their inclusive school. Leaders are receptive and keen to continually improve the quality of education.
Teachers at the start of their career and those with longer service speak highly of the support they receive.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The most important knowledge that pupils need to learn is not well defined in some subject areas.
As a result, this knowledge is not adequately emphasised and pupils are not exposed to the distinctive nature of some subjects and how they work. The school should continue its work to define this knowledge and ensure it is taught effectively and used by pupils. ? There is variability in the implementation of the curriculum.
The quality of teachers' questioning, and the way subject matter is presented can vary in effectiveness across different year groups. This hampers the progress that pupils make. The school should ensure that the most effective practice is shared more widely and greater consistency is achieved.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.