Charles Kingsley’s Church of England Primary School

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About Charles Kingsley’s Church of England Primary School

Name Charles Kingsley’s Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Headteacher Hannah Popplewell
Address Glaston Hill Road, Eversley, Hook, RG27 0LX
Phone Number 01189732187
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 216
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a thriving school, permeated by warm and happy relationships.

Leaders have created an inclusive culture where all pupils feel valued. High expectations are evident in all areas of school life. As a result, pupils develop a deep love of learning and achieve highly in most areas of the curriculum.

Pupils know and live the school's 'RESPECT' values. As a result, there are high levels of regard shown by all. Pupils are polite and considerate of each other.

Many have been awarded 'STEP' badges for demonstrating good manners. Throughout the school, incidents of unkindness are rare and pupils feel safe and well cared for.

Pupils relish the range of ...clubs provided by leaders such as 'bustagroove', drama and magic.

They enjoy the breadth of opportunities they have to be responsible, such as the highly coveted house captain roles. Year 6 pupils are proud to act as 'buddies' to children in the early years, helping with their transition into school.

Parents are enthusiastic about the school's work.

They value the school's high-quality provision and focus on pupil's personal development. One parent, summing up the views of many, stated 'they know the children really well and genuinely care'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school is relentless in its work to develop pupils' character.

Personal development is at the heart of the curriculum. Pastoral support, including via the forest school provision, is impressive and ensures that pupils get the guidance and help they need. Leaders are determined that no child feels unseen and unheard.

Pupils' voices are significant in their school. Pupils learn to debate big questions and love participating in discussions. These allow pupils to develop their own perspective and learn about the views of others.

Pupils are well informed and active citizens. Concepts such as 'courageous advocacy' are highly effective. Pupils learn to be at the heart of the community, taking an active role in improving their local area by cleaning road signs or baking for the local care home.

Leaders at all levels understand the school's strengths and current priorities for development. The newly appointed headteacher has put a highly appropriate plan in place to support the school's ongoing development. Governors offer strong support and challenge for all leaders.

Staff are proud to work at the school and are highly motivated. They welcome leaders' consideration of their workload and the range of training opportunities they receive.

Teachers successfully enable children in the early years to get a great start to their education.

The provision is exceptional. Children are already clear on the routines and habits that make for successful school life. Children's interests are very much central to the curriculum.

For example, during the inspection, activities were adapted when children discovered some mushrooms growing in the outdoor area.This led to a range of learning opportunities including drawing and labelling the features of the fungi. High-quality interactions develop children's curiosity across the curriculum.

The provision for communication and language is a strength. Children in the early years are well prepared for Year 1.

The school's curriculum is highly ambitious.

The core curriculum of English and mathematics is precisely planned. In these subjects, leaders have identified and ordered the knowledge pupils are to learn. Assessment is used well in these subjects.

This ensures that pupils with additional needs are correctly identified and given the support they need to be successful. However, in a small number of other subjects, leaders are refining aspects of the curriculum and how assessment is used. In these subjects, the school has identified what pupils are to learn.

Work to connect learning across the curriculum and assess the impact on pupils' understanding over time is underway.

Pupils develop a deep love of reading. They relish the range of diverse literature adults introduce them to across the curriculum.

The phonics provision is highly effective and unlocks access to new and exciting stories and information books. Pupils enjoy regular author visits and access to a varied range of books in the library. Consequently, pupils across the school read widely and often.

Pupils' behaviour is good. Staff teach them how to behave from the early years. Routines are well established throughout the school.

As a result, pupils enthusiastically follow the school's rules and have a clear understanding of right and wrong. Pupils are eager to learn, work hard in lessons and keenly participate in the wealth of opportunities the school has on offer.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of subjects, the essential learning has not been sequenced clearly. Consequently, in these subjects, pupils' ability to recall and apply learning over the long term is hampered. The school should ensure that curriculum content is appropriately sequenced in all subjects, so that pupils know and remember more over time.

• Assessment in the foundation subjects is not used consistently well. As a result, future learning does not address gaps in understanding precisely enough. The school should ensure that assessment enables teachers to quickly identify and address gaps in pupils' knowledge, so that pupils learn consistently well across the curriculum.

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